Saturday, April 30, 2022

WELSH PARENTS’ WAR NEWS: VIDEO Aidan O'Connor • • April 30, 2022 2 Comments No to sexualizing children



by Aidan O'Connor  •  •  April 30, 2022    2 Comments

No to sexualizing children

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While parents in America are fighting school boards to stop schools from teaching their kids transsexual ideology, parents overseas are taking on their own governments. Church Militant's Aidan O'Connor takes a closer look at the battle parents in one corner of Britain are fighting for their children.

Over 5,000 parents are suing the Welsh government to protect their children from required sexual education. The campaigners aim to overturn a government's curriculum proposal to make religious and sex education, or RSE, mandatory for children.

The RSE lessons would force children from 3 to 16 years of age to learn about sexual relationships and transsexual ideology. The Welsh government removed any option for parents to opt out of the perverse program.

Four mothers are representing the thousands of concerned parents and started the legal action. Church Militant spoke to one of the mothers, Kim Isherwood.

Kim Isherwood, chair, Public Child Protection Wales: "Well we're going for a judicial review, we are, because our government has brought in new legislation which mandates this sex education. It is in every single subject across the curriculum. We have absolutely no say in it whatsoever."

Isherwood chairs Public Child Protection Wales, a group aimed at giving parents a voice in their child's formation. The parents have filed in Cardiff's high court and expect to make headway before school resumes in the fall.

Isherwood: "Oh, we have voted in overwhelming numbers against this. It's not welcome in the United Kingdom. I don't know what it's doing here. We're not going to be happy until it's completely gone."

The Welsh government denies that introducing children as young as 3 to sexual content is sexualizing children. Isherwood told Church Militant most of the Welsh people oppose the curriculum, but the Government is trying to hide the proposal's contents.


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