Evening News

APRIL 27, 2022
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
Elizabeth Billingsley • an hour ago • edited Why did the hierarchy in the Catholic church make deals with the CCP? Am I missing something here? I don't understand why the CCP allowed them there if the whole point was to control them. Then again I don't and never will understand CCP arrrogance.
Diane • an hour ago James, God Bless You! You are proof that College is not necessary and just may be a waste of time and money. Most jobs can be learned on the job, with training. I know, because I was also not College educated and acquired very lucrative jobs in my life. Today's Colleges are just hot beads of liberal, Godless learning. I wonder just how much learning goes on in those Colleges today. All I see are demonstrations against Conservative thought. When do they attend school?
Diane • 2 hours ago Trump and the entire Trump family must wake up about the LGBTQ agenda. They must be told that this agenda is pro-abortion and anti-family. It destroys the family and to endorse people who need mental, emotional and spiritual professional help is not helping them.
Diane • 2 hours ago Now it is obvious why Marjorie sounded so Catholic when she was interviewed by MV. But CM must advise Marjorie that leaving the Holy Eucharist and Mass is not the way to show your disgust of the evil leadership in the Catholic Church. She must join Church Militant and fight for the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. She was obviously not raised with good Catechisus to leave the One and Only Truth. Wherever she may worship now is not the fulness of Christianity. She would be an asset to the fight to help CM because she has so much fight in her. Come Home Marjorie and help in the fight!
Mahatma Muhjesbude • 2 hours ago • edited I don't know why everybody gets so offended by Marjorie telling the truth? I know it hurts sometimes, but that's the nature of the beast. Outside of its 'Holy' protective manipulated facade, the Catholic Church has been directly or indirectly responsible for most of the worst evil in the world from day one of its Invention around 300 A.D by Constantine the emperor of the Roman Empire. And first 'POPE' (that's why they called it the 'holy ROMAN Catholic Church'). History is replete with bad Church behavior in everything from Wars to criminal enterprise to politics and every other aspect of the Church's human enslavement agenda from the womb to the tomb and even afterward!
It's all there, documented, and well evidenced in historic records if anyone is interested.
The Church is a serious Secret Society above and beyond all others and had/has their own 'CIA' in the form of the Jesuits and the best 'intelligence' gathering mechanism in all the world...Church 'Confessions', LOL! And, of course, their 'College of Cardinals' are the envy of every totalitarian dictatorship in the world and makes the worst Mafia organized crime look like cub scouts at a campfire cook out. Of course, instead of hotdogs and marshmallows the Church back in the day was roasting poor sinners at the stake for heinous crimes of not paying their Tithe...
The problem the Church has today is that information and knowledge dissemination can no longer be kept secret or hidden or even obfuscated in a modern age of enlightenment with virtually immediate and comprehensive research and knowledge availability for all. At Best they can only rely on re-direction of attention, obfuscate, and set their 'attack dogs' on 'sinners' because of the awesome power--not from god--but of centuries of imbedded, nurtured, and expansively developed financial and political influence.
But the Truth as an immutable force of nature...and of 'god', if you like, will always be out there if you are willing, and cognitively not brainwashed to see it. Sadly, most Catholics, Christians or any religionists can't.
Marjorie for POTUS!
Janina Burns • 2 hours ago MTG should come back to the one true church. shame on Bill for attacking her . he should be cheering her on . clean up those evil people who are in the Church . do you wanna bet he's a democrat ?
Thank God for Mother Miriam , at least she is trying to help people get to heaven ! we need more like her, we need Priest like her . we had a few but they silence them. love and miss you Father Altman !
we really have to stop believing there will be a big red wave in November . remember Trump won but democrats cheated to get Biden and God only knows how many more democrats in office. I voted for Trump I love America first but I think Trump sold us out like so many other so called republicans have.
George Soros should be charged with treason , but then so should most in DC . Soros should either be deported or in prison and all of his assets taken and put to take down the national debt , or something. that man is pure evil !
Islam is already here , they are having more babies than anyone else because they dont buy the climate change BS . Obama is one and helped millions come here unvetted . it's just a matter of time before they have the majority . never should that law that said they couldnt hold a government office been removed , they can not and will not take the oath of office under the constitution and is required .
Colin • 2 hours ago Trumps will not go as far as to call out sinful lives. Remember, he is not Catholic and from the Protestant perspective, would oppose simply due to the evil Bishops. And being friends with someone who is disoriented is not the sin. Endorsing their behavior as ok Certainly is. Whenever I come across or encounter a sexually confused person, I let them know that I truly love them by saying what they are doing is sinful ... all I am doing is trying to save you from eternal damnation. As much as Satan's secular meddling tries to convince you that it is ok, it is certainly NOT.
Diane • 2 hours ago I agree with everything that Marjorie has said about the homosexual Priests and Bishops, but Marjorie needs to be advised that leaving the Holy Eucharist, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, she has left everything. She needs to come home and fight for the Church and help us rid the Church of the evil leadership. Marjorie needs to understand what she has done for her own salvation and the salvation of her children.
George Griffith • 3 hours ago Soros is not the "funnel" of the corrupt radical left billionaires, he is the "king pen". He camped out in the White House right after Obama took office in 2008.
Thomas A. Deplorable • 3 hours ago Bill Bill Bill calumny is a sin. Why some of these Bishops have not been charged under the RICO laws is a mystery. Oh well, Jesus Christ has a assured us he will take care of these false shepherds.
7greatdanes • 3 hours ago • edited The WH walks back Biden statements day after day after day but MTG needs to be removed. No clarification just out of context interpretation. It's just too bad and sad that she has chosen to leave Jesus (in the beauty and grace of Mass and His real presence in the Eucharist) because of Judas.
Lucy Pipes • 3 hours ago You know, if Cardona banned teachers whose goal is to groom children, there wouldn't be a need to ban angry parents. Just sayin'.
Tess208 • 4 hours ago Great job once again. It is so fulfilling watching this staff mature and every evening get it right on the money. Keep up the great work-you have become part of our family. God bless.
Architect • 4 hours ago So happy to see Maradiaga out of circulation.
Francis sure knows how to handpick his BFFs.
pewgirl • 4 hours ago Bill needs to call her...... I pray she does not let child abusers in the church stop her from going to Mass and receiving the Holy Eucharist. We all have to have our eyes open and get rid of the priests that are abusers. She is needs our support and I believe she will come back to church then, but not before.... she needs action first, as do many that have left the church because of bad men of the cloth.
Zygmunt Konstanciński • 9 hours ago The Congresswoman has problems in logical reasoning. She believes herself to be Catholic and does not go to the church for a meeting with her Lord because "Church protects pedophiles". Well the statement might be true, although it begs the question "All the Church?", "All in the Church?", were all Catholics following her advice however there would be no Church today at all. "Church protects pedophiles thus I am not going to meet the Lord", she proudly states. I pray for her children and family for she is leading them on a very slippery slope towards perdition.
Mahatma Muhjesbude Zygmunt Konstanciński • 34 minutes ago Zygmunt, Nowhere did she specifically say the Entire Catholic Community is 'bad'. Even if, to some, the dialogue construction may have implied that. The possibility of that can't even be a reality. There are plenty of very fine and kind good people involved in Religions. Just like the Police situation today. There are many very decent and courageous cops out there without whom we'd all be knee-deep in very bad doo doo on a daily basis. It's just that there always was and always will be the 'bad-apples' -lately more so in political management--who impact the sum of the whole.
Her statement focused on the hierarchy of the Church Organizational power structure. Which has been PROVEN to Cover-Up criminal activity by pedophile priests. Which is Timely and important. And never did she offer any specific 'advice' for "All in the Church"? She simply exercised her Constitutional Right by commenting with her observation of a situation.
And, she did Not say anywhere that "I am not going to 'meet the Lord'. Just because she doesn't subscribe to a hypocritic duplicitous environment that protects criminal, immoral, and evil activity?
Nowhere in the bible does it say you can't find, meet, or follow 'The lord' unless you dutifully kneel in Church every Sunday, pay undivided attention to a clergy that might be raping a child after services, and reward him by throwing money in the collection basket?
See, Zyg, that's the core problem with practicing delusional religionism. It is focused on maintaining, among its sheeple, an intransigent confirmation bias psychology carefully designed by the religious 'leadership' for complete mind control and ultimate enslavement. Not unlike any other totalitarian constructs.
I pray for YOUR Children and Family that hopefully at least They can be emancipated from the abject unconsciousness of your sad and pitiful mind prison.
Perhaps you can find 'redemption' and soulful peace if you simply start to 'discover' the previously well hidden truth about the origins of religion, humanity, and even god.
There are many volumes available of this actual world history available now. For generations it was censored. And those who sought to reveal it had their lives destroyed or lost.
Start with a very well done and comprehensive series on you tube by Paul Wallace, a priest himself. Just an hour or so of watching will make you glad you did.
see more
Diane Zygmunt Konstanciński • an hour ago I got the idea that she no longer believes herself to be Catholic. Whenever someone says they were raised Catholic, means they no longer are. She was not raised with proper Catechisus, that is obvious. She probably never believed in the Real Presence and is probably part of the 75% of Catholics who do not. Now it is the responsibility of CM to inform her that she has left the One and Only Truth of the fulness of Christianity by leaving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. It is time for her and her family to come Home to the Catholic Church and join in the fight to save her and the Teachings of Jesus Christ from those who want to destroy the Catholic Church. Come Home Marjorie!!
CG1066 Zygmunt Konstanciński • 3 hours ago Well the first step people are doing is stopping the flow of money. The second step some feel is to stop going entirely!!!! They don't realize they are biting off the nose to spite the face.
CG1066 • 10 hours ago So how does one go about bringing MTG back along with the ten million people who left the Church due to the Bishop's corruption?
Robbi • 12 hours ago The 'twenty-somethings' ROCK!!!!! Makes even the most disturbing trends, habits, sinners easier to pray for.
Sandra Bertrand Landreneau • 13 hours ago We'll definitely include MTG in our daily rosary intentions, for her to return to the ONE TRUE FAITH! We need outspoken legislators such as MTG, to speak for the unborn and to be faithful Catholics!
TruthHunter • 13 hours ago Re. Soros. Get out your rosaries folks. In your daily rosary, include Soros and the Lord's will for him, and his evil agenda to be defeated. Maybe even a day or half-day of fasting. He's an evil guy for this whole world.
Michelle Campbell TruthHunter • 12 hours ago I do everyday.
Not only him but all of the occult banking families beginning with the Rothschilds, everyone in between down to Soros...total pariahs by choice
who hate and defy God and His people.
They are 'Children of the Serpent' who love Mammon...that 'root of all Evil'!
Been fasting since last Saturday. Broke it today. Shall continue tomorrow.
Michelle Campbell Mike • 12 hours ago • edited His second in command makes a good salary as well, though not as substantial as Donohue. 💰💰💰💰
TruthHunter • 14 hours ago Donahue and the bishops who are guilty are the ones who should be ashamed. Where is "Do not judge, lest ye yourself be judged?"
Fontonarosa • 14 hours ago I'm confused. I thought our church has been taking action on these pedophile priests. I also need to remind her that we do not go to Mass for the priests; we go to receive Christ.
Lucy Pipes Fontonarosa • 3 hours ago The Church has been taking superficial action against pedophiles only. The larger problem is the grooming, rape and corruption in the seminaries. Since the hierarchy still insists on policing themselves, the crimes and cover-ups continue. Until we address homosexual clergy, nothing will really change. The fake church of nice will continue lumbering down the path of destruction while the true Church continues preaching the Gospel and fighting evil.
When I heard MTG was a fallen-away Catholic, and then heard Michael speak about it, explaining why it is understandable that she left considering what her catechesis must have been and the climate in which she left the Church, my first thought was that it won't be long before she reverts. If Milo can be brought around, MTG can as well. I obviously can't read his heart, mind or soul, but it does appear that Michael Voris has submitted himself to be an instrument of God for the reversion of souls. She now has the CM community praying for her reversion.
Maybe there should be a pool on how long it takes before she returns to the sacraments? Kind of like we used to do baby pools for date of birth, sex and weight. Dates of her Confession and Communion and which priest does she go to? Winner gets comped to the next retreat.
(Kidding! I'm KIDDING!)
GracieAlanna • 14 hours ago Where can I find Marjorie Taylor Greene's full answer/statement to Million Dollar Bill?
Tess208 Jeanne L • 4 hours ago Absolutely. MTG, never let man dictate your relationship with God. Show up, pray, and keep doing what you are doing politically. Your relationship with God should never depend on what the hierarchy is doing-that's their problem-don't let it affect your day to day with Jesus. God Bless.
TruthHunter Jeanne L • 13 hours ago That is probably how she feels about the sodomite clergy, e.g. before you meet God, please stop the child abuse.
Jeanne L Jeanne L • 14 hours ago BTW, you should look into Bishop Ford. He was a maryknoll missionary to China who was martyred around 1952. His cause for sainthood is moving very slowly.
Elizabeth Billingsley • an hour ago • edited Why did the hierarchy in the Catholic church make deals with the CCP? Am I missing something here? I don't understand why the CCP allowed them there if the whole point was to control them. Then again I don't and never will understand CCP arrrogance.
Diane • an hour ago James, God Bless You! You are proof that College is not necessary and just may be a waste of time and money. Most jobs can be learned on the job, with training. I know, because I was also not College educated and acquired very lucrative jobs in my life. Today's Colleges are just hot beads of liberal, Godless learning. I wonder just how much learning goes on in those Colleges today. All I see are demonstrations against Conservative thought. When do they attend school?
Diane • 2 hours ago Trump and the entire Trump family must wake up about the LGBTQ agenda. They must be told that this agenda is pro-abortion and anti-family. It destroys the family and to endorse people who need mental, emotional and spiritual professional help is not helping them.
Diane • 2 hours ago Now it is obvious why Marjorie sounded so Catholic when she was interviewed by MV. But CM must advise Marjorie that leaving the Holy Eucharist and Mass is not the way to show your disgust of the evil leadership in the Catholic Church. She must join Church Militant and fight for the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. She was obviously not raised with good Catechisus to leave the One and Only Truth. Wherever she may worship now is not the fulness of Christianity. She would be an asset to the fight to help CM because she has so much fight in her. Come Home Marjorie and help in the fight!
Mahatma Muhjesbude • 2 hours ago • edited I don't know why everybody gets so offended by Marjorie telling the truth? I know it hurts sometimes, but that's the nature of the beast. Outside of its 'Holy' protective manipulated facade, the Catholic Church has been directly or indirectly responsible for most of the worst evil in the world from day one of its Invention around 300 A.D by Constantine the emperor of the Roman Empire. And first 'POPE' (that's why they called it the 'holy ROMAN Catholic Church'). History is replete with bad Church behavior in everything from Wars to criminal enterprise to politics and every other aspect of the Church's human enslavement agenda from the womb to the tomb and even afterward!
It's all there, documented, and well evidenced in historic records if anyone is interested.
The Church is a serious Secret Society above and beyond all others and had/has their own 'CIA' in the form of the Jesuits and the best 'intelligence' gathering mechanism in all the world...Church 'Confessions', LOL! And, of course, their 'College of Cardinals' are the envy of every totalitarian dictatorship in the world and makes the worst Mafia organized crime look like cub scouts at a campfire cook out. Of course, instead of hotdogs and marshmallows the Church back in the day was roasting poor sinners at the stake for heinous crimes of not paying their Tithe...The problem the Church has today is that information and knowledge dissemination can no longer be kept secret or hidden or even obfuscated in a modern age of enlightenment with virtually immediate and comprehensive research and knowledge availability for all. At Best they can only rely on re-direction of attention, obfuscate, and set their 'attack dogs' on 'sinners' because of the awesome power--not from god--but of centuries of imbedded, nurtured, and expansively developed financial and political influence.
But the Truth as an immutable force of nature...and of 'god', if you like, will always be out there if you are willing, and cognitively not brainwashed to see it. Sadly, most Catholics, Christians or any religionists can't.
Marjorie for POTUS!
Janina Burns • 2 hours ago MTG should come back to the one true church. shame on Bill for attacking her . he should be cheering her on . clean up those evil people who are in the Church . do you wanna bet he's a democrat ?
Thank God for Mother Miriam , at least she is trying to help people get to heaven ! we need more like her, we need Priest like her . we had a few but they silence them. love and miss you Father Altman !
we really have to stop believing there will be a big red wave in November . remember Trump won but democrats cheated to get Biden and God only knows how many more democrats in office. I voted for Trump I love America first but I think Trump sold us out like so many other so called republicans have.
George Soros should be charged with treason , but then so should most in DC . Soros should either be deported or in prison and all of his assets taken and put to take down the national debt , or something. that man is pure evil !
Islam is already here , they are having more babies than anyone else because they dont buy the climate change BS . Obama is one and helped millions come here unvetted . it's just a matter of time before they have the majority . never should that law that said they couldnt hold a government office been removed , they can not and will not take the oath of office under the constitution and is required .Colin • 2 hours ago Trumps will not go as far as to call out sinful lives. Remember, he is not Catholic and from the Protestant perspective, would oppose simply due to the evil Bishops. And being friends with someone who is disoriented is not the sin. Endorsing their behavior as ok Certainly is. Whenever I come across or encounter a sexually confused person, I let them know that I truly love them by saying what they are doing is sinful ... all I am doing is trying to save you from eternal damnation. As much as Satan's secular meddling tries to convince you that it is ok, it is certainly NOT.
Diane • 2 hours ago I agree with everything that Marjorie has said about the homosexual Priests and Bishops, but Marjorie needs to be advised that leaving the Holy Eucharist, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, she has left everything. She needs to come home and fight for the Church and help us rid the Church of the evil leadership. Marjorie needs to understand what she has done for her own salvation and the salvation of her children.
George Griffith • 3 hours ago Soros is not the "funnel" of the corrupt radical left billionaires, he is the "king pen". He camped out in the White House right after Obama took office in 2008.
Thomas A. Deplorable • 3 hours ago Bill Bill Bill calumny is a sin. Why some of these Bishops have not been charged under the RICO laws is a mystery. Oh well, Jesus Christ has a assured us he will take care of these false shepherds.
7greatdanes • 3 hours ago • edited The WH walks back Biden statements day after day after day but MTG needs to be removed. No clarification just out of context interpretation. It's just too bad and sad that she has chosen to leave Jesus (in the beauty and grace of Mass and His real presence in the Eucharist) because of Judas.
Lucy Pipes • 3 hours ago You know, if Cardona banned teachers whose goal is to groom children, there wouldn't be a need to ban angry parents. Just sayin'.
Tess208 • 4 hours ago Great job once again. It is so fulfilling watching this staff mature and every evening get it right on the money. Keep up the great work-you have become part of our family. God bless.
Architect • 4 hours ago So happy to see Maradiaga out of circulation.
Francis sure knows how to handpick his BFFs.pewgirl • 4 hours ago Bill needs to call her...... I pray she does not let child abusers in the church stop her from going to Mass and receiving the Holy Eucharist. We all have to have our eyes open and get rid of the priests that are abusers. She is needs our support and I believe she will come back to church then, but not before.... she needs action first, as do many that have left the church because of bad men of the cloth.
Zygmunt Konstanciński • 9 hours ago The Congresswoman has problems in logical reasoning. She believes herself to be Catholic and does not go to the church for a meeting with her Lord because "Church protects pedophiles". Well the statement might be true, although it begs the question "All the Church?", "All in the Church?", were all Catholics following her advice however there would be no Church today at all. "Church protects pedophiles thus I am not going to meet the Lord", she proudly states. I pray for her children and family for she is leading them on a very slippery slope towards perdition.
Mahatma Muhjesbude Zygmunt Konstanciński • 34 minutes ago see moreZygmunt, Nowhere did she specifically say the Entire Catholic Community is 'bad'. Even if, to some, the dialogue construction may have implied that. The possibility of that can't even be a reality. There are plenty of very fine and kind good people involved in Religions. Just like the Police situation today. There are many very decent and courageous cops out there without whom we'd all be knee-deep in very bad doo doo on a daily basis. It's just that there always was and always will be the 'bad-apples' -lately more so in political management--who impact the sum of the whole.
Her statement focused on the hierarchy of the Church Organizational power structure. Which has been PROVEN to Cover-Up criminal activity by pedophile priests. Which is Timely and important. And never did she offer any specific 'advice' for "All in the Church"? She simply exercised her Constitutional Right by commenting with her observation of a situation.
And, she did Not say anywhere that "I am not going to 'meet the Lord'. Just because she doesn't subscribe to a hypocritic duplicitous environment that protects criminal, immoral, and evil activity?
Nowhere in the bible does it say you can't find, meet, or follow 'The lord' unless you dutifully kneel in Church every Sunday, pay undivided attention to a clergy that might be raping a child after services, and reward him by throwing money in the collection basket?
See, Zyg, that's the core problem with practicing delusional religionism. It is focused on maintaining, among its sheeple, an intransigent confirmation bias psychology carefully designed by the religious 'leadership' for complete mind control and ultimate enslavement. Not unlike any other totalitarian constructs.
I pray for YOUR Children and Family that hopefully at least They can be emancipated from the abject unconsciousness of your sad and pitiful mind prison.
Perhaps you can find 'redemption' and soulful peace if you simply start to 'discover' the previously well hidden truth about the origins of religion, humanity, and even god.
There are many volumes available of this actual world history available now. For generations it was censored. And those who sought to reveal it had their lives destroyed or lost.
Start with a very well done and comprehensive series on you tube by Paul Wallace, a priest himself. Just an hour or so of watching will make you glad you did.
Diane Zygmunt Konstanciński • an hour ago I got the idea that she no longer believes herself to be Catholic. Whenever someone says they were raised Catholic, means they no longer are. She was not raised with proper Catechisus, that is obvious. She probably never believed in the Real Presence and is probably part of the 75% of Catholics who do not. Now it is the responsibility of CM to inform her that she has left the One and Only Truth of the fulness of Christianity by leaving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. It is time for her and her family to come Home to the Catholic Church and join in the fight to save her and the Teachings of Jesus Christ from those who want to destroy the Catholic Church. Come Home Marjorie!!
CG1066 Zygmunt Konstanciński • 3 hours ago Well the first step people are doing is stopping the flow of money. The second step some feel is to stop going entirely!!!! They don't realize they are biting off the nose to spite the face.
CG1066 • 10 hours ago So how does one go about bringing MTG back along with the ten million people who left the Church due to the Bishop's corruption?
Robbi • 12 hours ago The 'twenty-somethings' ROCK!!!!! Makes even the most disturbing trends, habits, sinners easier to pray for.
Sandra Bertrand Landreneau • 13 hours ago We'll definitely include MTG in our daily rosary intentions, for her to return to the ONE TRUE FAITH! We need outspoken legislators such as MTG, to speak for the unborn and to be faithful Catholics!
TruthHunter • 13 hours ago Re. Soros. Get out your rosaries folks. In your daily rosary, include Soros and the Lord's will for him, and his evil agenda to be defeated. Maybe even a day or half-day of fasting. He's an evil guy for this whole world.
Michelle Campbell TruthHunter • 12 hours ago I do everyday.
Not only him but all of the occult banking families beginning with the Rothschilds, everyone in between down to Soros...total pariahs by choice
who hate and defy God and His people.
They are 'Children of the Serpent' who love Mammon...that 'root of all Evil'!
Been fasting since last Saturday. Broke it today. Shall continue tomorrow.
Michelle Campbell Mike • 12 hours ago • edited His second in command makes a good salary as well, though not as substantial as Donohue. 💰💰💰💰
TruthHunter • 14 hours ago Donahue and the bishops who are guilty are the ones who should be ashamed. Where is "Do not judge, lest ye yourself be judged?"
Fontonarosa • 14 hours ago I'm confused. I thought our church has been taking action on these pedophile priests. I also need to remind her that we do not go to Mass for the priests; we go to receive Christ.
Lucy Pipes Fontonarosa • 3 hours ago The Church has been taking superficial action against pedophiles only. The larger problem is the grooming, rape and corruption in the seminaries. Since the hierarchy still insists on policing themselves, the crimes and cover-ups continue. Until we address homosexual clergy, nothing will really change. The fake church of nice will continue lumbering down the path of destruction while the true Church continues preaching the Gospel and fighting evil.
When I heard MTG was a fallen-away Catholic, and then heard Michael speak about it, explaining why it is understandable that she left considering what her catechesis must have been and the climate in which she left the Church, my first thought was that it won't be long before she reverts. If Milo can be brought around, MTG can as well. I obviously can't read his heart, mind or soul, but it does appear that Michael Voris has submitted himself to be an instrument of God for the reversion of souls. She now has the CM community praying for her reversion.
Maybe there should be a pool on how long it takes before she returns to the sacraments? Kind of like we used to do baby pools for date of birth, sex and weight. Dates of her Confession and Communion and which priest does she go to? Winner gets comped to the next retreat.
(Kidding! I'm KIDDING!)
GracieAlanna • 14 hours ago Where can I find Marjorie Taylor Greene's full answer/statement to Million Dollar Bill?
Tess208 Jeanne L • 4 hours ago Absolutely. MTG, never let man dictate your relationship with God. Show up, pray, and keep doing what you are doing politically. Your relationship with God should never depend on what the hierarchy is doing-that's their problem-don't let it affect your day to day with Jesus. God Bless.
TruthHunter Jeanne L • 13 hours ago That is probably how she feels about the sodomite clergy, e.g. before you meet God, please stop the child abuse.
Jeanne L Jeanne L • 14 hours ago BTW, you should look into Bishop Ford. He was a maryknoll missionary to China who was martyred around 1952. His cause for sainthood is moving very slowly.