Thursday, April 28, 2022

EU STIFLING SPEECH? NEWS: VIDEO Rodney Pelletier • • April 27, 2022 7 Comments New Big Tech law regulates internet speech



by Rodney Pelletier  •  •  April 27, 2022    7 Comments

New Big Tech law regulates internet speech

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Mainstream media is claiming the European Union's new regulations on Big Tech are a big win for users.

But as Church Miltant's Rodney Pelletier reveals, watchdogs are worried they could threaten freedom of speech.

The EU, on Saturday, passed the Digital Services Act, "the DSA." It enables the 27 governments making up the EU to demand Big Tech platforms like Google, Twitter and Facebook quickly take down content deemed illegal — especially so-called hate speech.

If they don't comply, companies can be fined billions of dollars or be banned from operating in the EU. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been warning this is one of the DSA's big dangers.

The EFF noted last year, "Large platforms will "over-block," removing content according to the fast-paced, blunt determinations of an algorithm." It added, "Speech will be removed in an instant, but only reinstated after days or weeks or years."

The organization also points out that Big Tech companies can easily comply because of their large infrastructure, but start-ups will struggle to keep up, if they can at all.

Now that pro-abortion and pro-LGBT European nations have the ability to define online "hate speech," pro-life and pro-family content may be silenced.

Earlier today, an EU official warned Twitter's new owner, Elon Musk, that he must abide by the new law. No warnings of any kind were given to previous Twitter executives who blatantly silenced conservatives.


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