Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Days of Remembrance 2022 Commemoration Starting Soon To honor victims of the Holocaust, we keep their stories alive. Join our nation and a global community to remember the six million Jews who were murdered and to honor the survivors.


Days of Remembrance 2022
Commemoration Starting Soon
To honor victims of the Holocaust, we keep their stories alive. Join our nation and a global community to remember the six million Jews who were murdered and to honor the survivors.

This year’s event will feature survivors telling their stories, and victims’ accounts presented through photographs and historic film footage from the Museum’s collection. Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, Museum chairman, will provide introductory reflections.

During this important week set aside for Holocaust remembrance, join us for this moving commemoration.

Marcel Drimer, Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer
Irene Weiss, Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer

Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, Museum chairman

After the live broadcast, the recording will be available on demand.
Photo: Collage of family photographs found at Auschwitz after liberation. Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oświęcimiu
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