Pope Francis Urges Priests to Help Women Regretting Abortions Find Hope and Healing in Christ

Millions of women across the world regret their abortions. Whether they intentionally sought to end the life of their baby or were misled about the development of their unborn child or abortion’s risk and alternatives, women worldwide wish they had never ended their child’s life and are desperate to find hope and healing in Christ.
Pope Francis just told Catholic priests to help them do just that.
Those who are called to be missionaries of mercy are entrusted with the important task of being the face and the voice of God’s love to those in need, Pope Francis said.
“Let us never forget that God does not act in the daily lives of people through shocking acts, but in a silent, discreet, simple way, so as to manifest himself through people who become a sacrament of his presence. And you are a sacrament of God’s presence,” the pope told the priests during a meeting at the Vatican April 25.
The “missionaries of mercy” were priests chosen by the Vatican for the 2015-2016 Year of Mercy to preach about God’s mercy and, especially, to encourage Catholics to rediscover the grace of the sacrament of reconciliation.
In a permission later extended to all priests, Pope Francis granted them the power to absolve penitents who regretted having an abortion or playing a role in someone’s decision to have an abortion. He also authorized them to lift some penalties imposed by canon law.
Some women who have found mercy and grace from God have gone on to become pro-life advocates who actively save babies from abortion.
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Holding a sign with her aborted daughter’s name, Mercy Jubilee, the woman said she felt “numb and emotionless” as she sat in the abortion facility. She said the abortion workers did not want her to see her unborn baby’s ultrasound image, and, when she insisted, they flashed it quickly before her eyes.
Immediately after the abortion, she said she felt both relief and grief, but as time went on, she began drowning her pain in alcohol and promiscuity. Then, one day, she said Jesus Christ changed her life, and she found healing and forgiveness for ending her baby’s life.
“God has taken my pain and turned it into purpose, and that is why I am silent no more,” she said.