Saturday, April 30, 2022

‘It’s a big f****** deal’: Maher slams Biden for ignoring border disaster ahead of midterms April 30, 2022 | Chris Donaldson


‘It’s a big f****** deal’: Maher slams Biden for ignoring border disaster ahead of midterms

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Democrats could be headed to a major beatdown in the upcoming midterm elections yet there is no indication that President Joe Biden whose policies have been a complete disaster is even going to consider changing course, especially when it comes to immigration and Bill Maher is calling him out on it.

With the administration already having committed to ending Title 42, the emergency health order put into place to mitigate the spread of COVID during the pandemic, much attention is now being paid to the humanitarian catastrophe at the southern border, one that could soon become dramatically worse when expected hundreds of thousands of migrants pour into the U.S. in such great numbers that resources to effectively process them will be overwhelmed.

Even Democrats are alarmed at the White House’s open borders policies and the indifference to the concerns of working Americans, and on Friday’s edition of HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher,” the host expressed his frustration with the nation’s often befuddled leader.

Maher, who like most liberals is petrified by the possibility that former President Donald J. Trump could win the 2024 election, fretted about growing working-class discontent, noting that French President Emmanuel Macron was challenged by populist Marine Le Pen who is often described as “far-right” by the media and that such anti-establishment sentiment could manifest itself in the U.S.

During his panel discussion with his guests, former Democrat Senator Doug Jones and MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, the comedian invoked Biden’s famous remark on ObamaCare, this is a “big f**king deal” to prod the “leader” of the free world on immigration.

“So, what about the other big I issue, which is immigration?” Maher said. “Now, Joe Biden famously used the phrase “big f**king deal,” when is he going to understand this is a big f**king deal?”

“We just had an election in France, now Macron pulled it out, pretty handily but I mean, Marine Le Pen started at nothing, and now she’s…within striking distance,” he said.

“This is the same issue as Brexit in England, this is the same issue as Trump voters in America,” he said. “and, you know, working-class voters feel like they’ve been ignored and abandoned,” joking that he felt ignored and abandoned by France. “But that is a reasonable argument, that there’s this elitist group that’s running the world that’s left us behind.”

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Jones – who lost his Alabama Senate seat to former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville in 2020 – acknowledged that the Democratic Party has “lost their way” with addressing the concerns of mainstream America.

“They have lost their way talking about to rural America, to folks on Main Street, we have got to get back to give me this message,” he said. “You talk about inflation and all we need to be talking to those folks to say look, we are working, we’re doing things, we’re releasing oil, we’re doing this, the Fed is doing that.”

“We got to get that message out to folks, and we can’t do it in a way that is simply like, ‘Republicans are bad. Democrats are good.’ We got to talk about issues, we got to be talking about them and then say, ‘Oh, by the way, let me introduce you to this Democratic candidate who believes in everything that you talk about,'” Jones added.

Maher’s plea will likely fall on deaf ears as there’s been no indication that the most radical president in American history is going to be receptive to calls for moderation in his policies.

 18 minutes ago

Maher seems to thing that hes smarter than everyone else. He bad mouths everyone in the Oval Office. Hes right in this case. Even a blind squrriel finds a nut once in a while. But if hes so damned smart , why doesnt he run for that orifice. Its easier to find fault with everyone else. Sleazy and Easy.

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Last edited 24 minutes ago by Jack555

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