Friday, May 27, 2022

AND THEN THERE WERE FOUR NEWS: VIDEO Kim Tisor • • May 27, 2022 0 Comments Bishops caring for Pelosi's soul



by Kim Tisor  •  •  May 27, 2022    0 Comments

Bishops caring for Pelosi's soul

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Scripture instructs us not to receive the Holy Eucharist unworthily. So it stands to reason that faithful clerics would honor Abp. Salvatore Cordileone's recent decision and deny Nancy Pelosi the Blessed Sacrament. Church Militant's Kim Tisor tells us who's standing in solidarity with the San Francisco prelate.

Bp. Michael Burbidge, archdiocese of Arlington: "For through the Holy Eucharist, our hearts and souls reach into the heavens to experience a foretaste of the blessed life to come." 

Bishop Michael Burbidge is trying to ensure House Speaker Nancy Pelosi experiences the life to come not burning in Hell. He reported Wednesday his Arlington diocese will follow Abp. Salvatore Cordileone's directive.

Bp. Burbidge: "He is her bishop, and, as that bishop, the direction and guidance he provides is not limited to a geographical area."

Bishop Burbidge is joining a growing list of bishops finally opting to deny Pelosi Holy Communion for her good and the good of all the Church.

Wednesday, Bp. Joseph Strickland also announced Pelosi could not receive Communion in his diocese of Tyler, Texas. Not until she "repents and stops advocating the murder of children."

Nor should Pelosi expect Communion while attending Mass near her Napa Valley summer home. The diocese of Santa Rosa's bishop, Robert Vasa, told The Pillar that Abp. Cordileone's prohibition follows the House speaker, and his priests aren't free to ignore it.

Others, like Cdl. Wilton Gregory of Washington, are ignoring Cordileone's guidance and remain in opposition to Church teaching, which explains those who persevere in grave sin should not be admitted to Holy Communion.

Prelates like Bp. Burbidge display concern for Pelosi's soul. The question now is, after all the years she spent advocating for abortion, will it make a difference?

Bishop Burbidge reminded podcast listeners all people, including those who are not public individuals, must approach the sacraments truly in communion with the Church and Our Lord.


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