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DEVILRY IN DAVOS NEWS: VIDEO Nadia Hazimeh • • May 26, 2022 11 Comments Communist crackdown on freedom



by Nadia Hazimeh  •  •  May 26, 2022    11 Comments

Communist crackdown on freedom

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We're just a few days into the World Economic Forum's Davos meeting, where communism is at the root of every bright solution to so-called climate change.

Church Militant's Nadia Hazimeh looks inside the WEF's latest global schemes.

Klaus Schwab, chairman, WEF: "We serve not our only self-interests, but we serve the community."

WEF chairman Klaus Schwab kicked off the Davos meeting Monday, stoking the flames of communism with those words, and even claimed your future is his.

And as the meeting progressed, the green proposals got even more tyrannical. A Norwegian globalist admitted an energy transition will cause pain but is worth it.

Kjerstin Braathen, CEO of DNB: "The pace that we need will open up for missteps. That pain is actually worth it." 

And Australian globalist Julie Grant wants to recalibrate people's rights online.

Julie Grant, e-safety commissioner, Australia: "Everything feels binary when it doesn't need to be, so I think we're going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online. You know from freedom of speech to the freedom, you know, to be free from online violence."

Grant further noted, "This era of technological exceptionalism has got to end," and companies should create "digital seatbelts."

Furthering the idea of companies monitoring you, tech giant Alibaba Group is developing a global carbon footprint tracker to monitor just how green people's consumption is.

J. Michael Evans, president, Alibaba Group: "Where are they traveling? How are they traveling? What are they eating? What are they consuming on the platform?"

It is not operational yet, but China has been testing a version in Xinqiao Shiju.

There, individuals do have personal carbon credits. And household carbon credits combine the total power use and carbon emissions of family members.

A March article from Alibaba states, "Expect to earn 200 carbon credits when you lick your plate clean and 554 credits if you take the subway."

If you enjoy being told what to do, the WEF's globalist ideas are for you. But most sane people value freedom.

When the Davos meeting wraps up Thursday, delegates will depart the clean energy summit on fuel-guzzling private jets.


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