Map: Summer Blackouts Coming to Huge Swaths of US, Experts Say - If You Live in These States, Prepare Now
Experts warn that Americans should start preparing for huge swaths of the nation to succumb to power outages this summer as the left works to end coal plants and force us into “green” energies that are woefully inadequate to fuel our economy.
“At least a dozen US states from California to the Great Lakes are at risk of electricity outages this summer,” Bloomberg reported Sunday.
The report cited a recent assessment from the North American Electric Reliability Corp. that much of the U.S. population is likely to suffer brownouts, blackouts and other disruptions in power during the hottest days of the year this summer.
While the eastern United States is largely expected to have sufficient operating reserves, most of the rest of the country is at elevated or high risk of power supply issues this summer, NERC said.
One of the states named in the report is California, where power outages have been a problem for years. In 2019, millions of residents suffered from blackouts as the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. was forced to switch power on and off over and over again to ease the strain on the grid.
Hydropower is also lacking in the West this year as an extended drought has kept river waters lower than usual, Bloomberg said.
In fact, the California Independent System Operator warned that the drought might put hydropower at risk through 2025, the outlet reported earlier this month.
The Golden State could be short up to 1,700 megawatts this summer, enough power to run 1.3 million homes.
Attempting to head off the problem, California officials have ordered power companies to buy thousands of watts in supplies, including banks of solar batteries, the power from which can be used during the overnight hours.
The state is also floating a new program that would pay customers for using less power during the peak energy hours of the day.
Texas is also at risk of blackouts, according to the report. It also experienced power outages last year, and that problem has not been fully resolved, experts say.
But parts of the Midwest could be facing the greatest threat, with the NERC assessment putting many of those states under “high risk” status.
“On the 15-state grid operated by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), consumers in 11 states are at risk of outages,” Bloomberg reported. “MISO, which serves about 42 million people, projected it has ‘insufficient’ power generation to meet the highest demand periods this summer, especially in its Midwest states.
“The grid has never before given a warning of this kind ahead of the start of summer demand.”
“It’s a pretty sobering report, and it’s clear the risks are spreading,” John Moura, NERC’s director of reliability assessment and performance analysis, said in a recent news briefing, according to Bloomberg. “I certainly do think it’s our most cautionary tale here.”
NERC SRA 2022 by The Western Journal
While some experts also blame climate change for these power supply issues, the bigger problem is that liberal energy policies are closing older, stable coal-fired power plants at a faster clip than so-called renewable energy, such as wind farms, can replace them.
“The pace of our grid transformation is out of sync,” Moura said about the closing of coal plants.
Bloomberg noted that coal power plant shutdowns have reduced power output in the Midwest by 2.3 percent over last year. And this at a time when many areas there are experiencing a population boom.
In addition, America’s power infrastructure is aging and in disrepair. “About 70 percent of our grid is nearing end of life,” warned Teri Viswanath, lead economist for power, energy and water at CoBank ACB, according to Bloomberg.
Viswanath said this is one reason the United States “is experiencing more outages globally than any other industrialized nation.”
Green policy is also a major contributor to America’s power woes.
According to The Wall Street Journal, California, Texas and Indiana are likely to face power outages as green energy “solutions” are taking precedence over tried-and-true sources of energy.
The nation’s devolving economy under President Joe Biden is also causing a problem for the energy industry, the report said, noting that many power companies cannot finish their build-out of battery storage facilities because of “supply-chain challenges and inflation.”
Forbes Editor-in-chief Steve Forbes explained that government policy failures are part of the problem.
“The problem isn’t that we’ll be experiencing an unforeseeable surge in electricity; it’s that bad government policies have created shortages,” Forbes wrote earlier this month.
“Chief among these are the mandates that utilities use more and more so-called renewable sources of energy — primarily from windmills and solar panels — while pressuring them to shut down fossil-fuel-fired generating plants and to decommission nuclear facilities,” he added.
“The trouble is that alternative energy sources are expensive and pose their own serious environmental hazards,” Forbes said. “And they are not replacing the output of power that those closed traditional facilities produced.”
So, at every turn, policies pushed by Biden and his green allies are putting the nation at greater risk of blackouts and power shortages.
It’s long past time to stop pie-in-the-sky dreaming about green energy and get back to the business of fueling our nation.
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While some experts also blame climate change for these power supply issues, the bigger problem is that liberal energy policies are closing older, stable coal-fired power plants at a faster clip than so-called renewable energy, such as wind farms, can replace them.
There is NO CLIMATE CHANGE, it is just your usual "Weather Change". This is ALL due to Biden and his Far Left idiots. Shutting down coal burning plants is the height of idiocy. The use of All Electric was, and is, just another Government Scheme/Scam. But now, people, as usual, have bought into it. All electric homes are horrible.
Seems like the majority of the states are ones that voted for sleepy joe.
Enjoy the long hot summer.
This is the plan to end the USA as we've known it. The only good thing is that those who've fallen for the Electric Vehicle scam won't be able to go anywhere during the power outages! They too will suffer as they've forgotten that powering their EVs requires strong, consistent, reliable energy -- NOT wind and solar!
More fear, more Govt. manipulation and cover up under the fake monitor called GREEN.
Whatever happened to the trillion spent for, Green Contract awarded to CA?
We've been hearing about their crumbing InfrastruX for decades.
Who cares?
They can't even figure out how to triage their forests and utilize fire breaks, control burns for underbrush, utilized by all other States across the Western States.
They've been ripping off the rest of America under the fake propaganda, that
CA is a mover and shaker for all things green.
It's like listening to a Govt. sponsored Alexa on steroids.
Trillions have been awarded to CA for fake science or did we forget the Solandra contract awarded by Obama?
The investigation that followed when it failed ,1500 employees lost their jobs, for junk solar panels.
Since this was a Govt. sponsored contract and by law,
tasks to follow the money after the smash up
it was covered up to the public,
that no one was held responsible for any accountability for where the money went?
This was followed by another brainstorm by the Obama Admin called the
" The all-electric new age, Chevy Volt"
The Volt tanked and we all paid for that smash up as well.
Buyers beware for something called,
capacity load on our electric grid for the coming storm for electric cars...
it may be in our future but it's not there yet.
That is okay. CNN will say all is well, and blame it on Trump.
Has anyone thought about the road tax that's included in the cost of gasoline? The EV owners will soon get hit with this tax to make up for the loss of federal and state revenue, as they are still using the highways paid for by this tax. Bet that's one cost they aren't figuring on? How many more hidden costs will they absorb?
Why are we putting up with "the left" anyway? Maybe after the midterms, we'll place some common sense back into this country?
This is an easy problem to fix......
It just goes against the existing "administration's" LIE to the people.....
DISCONNECT AND MAKE ILLEGAL ALL ELECTRIC CARS AND BUSES..... until such a time as the grid is designed better to support the load of electric cars and buses being charged, instead of homes being heated or cooled (the original requirement of the grid)
Reduce the load on the grid by removing the CAUSE of the load................
We are not being forced into a green new deal not enough green energy and what there is dependent on electricity - we are being destroyed. Big difference Green New deal - nothing green going on - economic destruction - would happen.
If anyone thinks this administration gives a damn about this, you're as ignorant as they come! This to them is opportunity! Just another crises to take advantage of!
I can see it now, Putin is going to be at fault.
...that boy has to go! Damn liberals are hell bent on the total destruction of our way of life.
Global warming,@Hoax,cash cow,who's getting rich on this,Gore started it all,they all got their hands in it,vote all these a holes out,democrat communist party hates this country and constitution,red wave coming,lets take back our country.
If there were NO demo-nazis, there would be NO energy crisis . . this disaster is ALL their fault, every damned last bit of it!
“Just buy an electric car” they said.
I have a question for all you"Greenies"! As we face blackouts and brownouts because of weaning off fossil fuels where is the electricity going to come from to power these electric cars we are told we must switch to???
What a bunch of psychopaths. Nuclear is the only green energy we have. Wind and solar destroy nature and use highly toxic lithium batteries that use billions of gallons of off road diesel to mine. They know this.
Make no mistake. These people want you dead.
We need to tell Creepy Joe to stick his solar panels up where the sun don't shine... and they won't work there either!
I worked at a Coal-fired powerplant for 25 years. were the biggest, most efficient and most reliable generating station in Texas. The problem was and still is politics. When you let employees off with pay to march in gay parades, and May 5th parades and June 19th parades, well what do you think that does to the cost? Well, this was for non-essential employees, but they griped about salaries essential employees got and demanded equal pay. We have the same mentality in big government today. They play and spend money and "give away" money that they don't have and tell you it's free. Nothing is free and it has to be earned by somebody. But you see O'Biden and his administration has never had a real job and had to earn a living so that's why they think everything is free. O'Biden has turned everything into a crisis in epic proportions. Trump knows the real value of the dollar and that it has to be earned.
If this administration only had a brain!
It's just one disaster after another. Will it ever end, before our country is completely destroyed from their own doing! Meanwhile almost everyone along with the media turns a blind eye to all the corruption, all because of their hatred that they have for President Trump. I guess they would rather see the destruction of our country.
Why is this Administration do what they want and no concern for the American people? They keep trying to disable us at every turn is really unbelievable. I guess the reason is we have no one in Government offices are all in on this crazy deal. Well I hope your illegals have power. Why not buy them an electric car so they can get around better. Never ask the American people what they want, just take our tax dollar and do as you all please. This is a horrible marxist country right now. How much longer, or is this here to stay. All of these Democratic leaders have no brains. Sick of complaining, no one listens anymore.
Nuclear Power has always been one of THE most efficient and cleanest forms of Energy available that would contribute immensely to reducing the electrical power shortage. It's available as a kind of stored energy from Creation waiting to be used for the production of electrical power. But the "Greenies" are adamantly opposed to that alternate form of Energy for fear of a meltdown and a release of radioactivity into the atmosphere, a fear that lingers from 43 years ago when the 3 mile island nuclear power plant incident occurred in PA which caused no health problems for nearby surrounding residents.
The incident was largely the result of human operator error both at the plant and at the state capitol. It was one time when President Jimmy Carter was useful drawing upon his nuclear power experience in Admiral Rickover's Navy. He calmed the population after the PA governor had scared people with his misdirected orders.
Scaremongering and Ignorance are largely the causes for this readily available and clean energy form being dismissed for civilian use while it's okay fine for our sailors to use it and be in close proximity to it on a daily basis in surface and sub-surface ships for the past 50 years. Stupid is as Stupid Does.