Ukraine Army COLLAPSING; Zelensky (Now) Saying "Must Face Reality . . ."

by Hal Turner
Quite a turnaround from just a week ago when Zelensky said Ukraine will never give up any territory, and would "win" against the Russian Army.
Over the past two weeks, the situation for Ukraine has gotten almost dire. Its armed forces are being decimated on almost every battlefield. Russian long range artillery is smashing thousands of Ukraine troops, and causing those still alive to surrender.
In fact, the number of Ukraine troops surrendering has gotten so enormous, the Ukraine legislature voted on a Bill allowing military officers to SHOOT SURRENDERING TROOPS to stop the mass-surrenders!
In the brief video below, Ukraine troops who SURRENDERED, report to the world that their commanding officers DID, in fact, SHOOT THEIR OWN TROOPS IN THE BACK to prevent the surrender!
The reality on the battlefield is so dire for Ukraine troops, many seasoned observers believe the Ukrainian Army cannot survive even another two weeks.
Moreover, the opinion of the general public is taking a very significant turn; in favor of Russia.
Citizens of almost all western nations, now becoming aware that Nazis are in the Ukraine government, police, and military, are no longer so quick to support Ukraine. And when those same Western citizens see the video of Ukraine President Zelensky admitting on TV he uses cocaine because it gives him energy all day - which said video is DISPUTED -- and then see the video below on the SAME CLAIM . . . .
. . . they realize that Ukraine is being run by a drug-addled guy who may actually be so disconnected from reality (by drugs) that he's perhaps a madman!
Even an Archbishop speaking from the Altar in the Church of England told Parishioners "Putin is the only one standing-up against the New World Order" and that "Russia was provoked into this war! "
About the Author
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
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