Friday, May 27, 2022

Hunter Biden has one trick up his sleeve that no one saw coming...Hunter’s lawyers claim to be in possession of the original laptop, thus giving them the ability to confirm any of the contents from it.


Hunter Biden has one trick up his sleeve that no one saw coming

Hunter Biden is feeling the heat as his scandals continue to pile up.

But the Biden crime family isn’t going down without a fight.

And Hunter Biden has one trick up his sleeve that no one saw coming.

Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop from hell is the smoking gun for his corrupt foreign business deals.

The laptop has a treasure trove of information, including financial records and emails linking him to shady business agreements in places like China and the Ukraine.

With a major federal investigation into tax crimes by Hunter underway in Delaware reportedly expanding to money laundering and illegal foreign lobbying, the walls are closing in on the Biden crime family.

After trying to claim it was Russian misinformation, even the corporate-controlled media is reluctantly admitting that the laptop from hell is real.

Since the Biden crime family knows Hunter is in big trouble, they’re getting ready to use a dirty trick to try to save him.

Hunter Biden’s new legal team, led by high-powered Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris, is launching a campaign to cast doubt on the contents of the laptop.

Hunter’s lawyers claim to be in possession of the original laptop, thus giving them the ability to confirm any of the contents from it.

They allege that they can now determine if anything was manipulated or added to the laptop’s hard drive.

CBS News reported that “the effort appears to be aimed at blunting the impact of an ongoing federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax records and business dealings by sowing doubts about that computer.”

“We have the Rosetta Stone,” a Biden advisor said.

“They can send us theirs and we’ll see what they have,” the advisor added.

“They should be the ones with the burden of proof in this nasty circus,” the advisor concluded.

The Biden legal team is turning its focus on who was in possession of the laptop after it was abandoned in a Delaware computer repair shop.

Of course, the likely goal is to smear whoever produces any damning information as a biased right-winger against the Bidens.

Despite these supposed concerns over the authenticity of contents coming from the laptop, Biden’s legal team isn’t claiming any of the contents have been doctored.

This is a jaw-dropping move from Hunter’s legal team as more bad news keeps slowly coming out from the laptop.

An NBC analysis of the laptop found that Hunter earned $11 million from questionable foreign business deals.

The Biden crime family is launching an effort to cast doubts on any new information coming from the laptop to try and muddy the waters.

With hundreds of thousands of files on the laptop, investigators have only scratched the surface of any potential crimes committed by Hunter.

A new website launched by a former Trump official allows users to search Hunter’s emails.

It remains to be seen if this new trick will work, but the Biden crime family won’t go down without a fight.

Renewed Right will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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