MORE NIGERIAN CLERGY KIDNAPPED: And two children...God, protect their lives.
Our Dear Mother of Kibeho, pray for them and soften the hearts of their captors.
CATHOLIC ACTOR DIES: 'In his sleep'...such a mercy. Condolences to his loved ones. Prayers for Catholics and lapsed Catholics in this film industry. πŸŽ¬πŸ“½πŸŽžπŸΏ
MI ABORTION AMENDMENT: Pray that heinous petition fails bigtime. And, that it sends a message to Whitmer...OUT!!! πŸš«πŸ“œπŸš«
'DEMONIC' PRO-ABORTION VIDEO: That poor, precious infant.... πŸ™
OK GOV STANDS FOR LIFE: NOW, all other 49 Governors do the same!!!!!! πŸ‘πŸ€°πŸ€±πŸ‘
ANOTHER BISHOP BANS PELOSI: Nancy...see the 'Writing on the Wall' as REALITY closes in. Your days as House Speaker and 'family killing advocate', GONE!!! πŸ‘Ž

Friday May 27th Feastdays: St Augustine of Canterbury (604) Bp., Ap. of England πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ & St John l (526) P., M (Trad) πŸ‡»πŸ‡¦✝️