Friday, May 27, 2022

George Soros Says Civilization May End on Account of Ukraine Invasion The globalism-obsessed liberal had some thoughts. Published 2 days ago on May 25, 2022 By Andrew West


George Soros Says Civilization May End on Account of Ukraine Invasion

The globalism-obsessed liberal had some thoughts.




George Soros

There is still no telling just how far Vladimir Putin is willing to take his invasion of Ukraine, (or how far he is willing to go to defend it to the outside world), but there are some among us who are preparing for the worst.

Putin hasn’t been well, to put it lightly.  There is mounting evidence that the Russian leader is suffering from terminal cancer, and his behavior of late seems to suggest that he has no expectation of being a part of the global community in the foreseeable future.  This is, of course, a worrisome realization for the world at large, particularly given just how often Mad Vlad likes to put his figurative finger near the big red nuke button.

Now, one of the world’s leading globalists is further stoking those fears with his prediction regarding the end of civilization as we know it.

US billionaire George Soros warned Tuesday that “civilization may not survive” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but said Europe could have a stronger position against President Vladimir Putin regarding gas than it realizes.

In his traditional dinner speech on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in the Swiss mountain town of Davos, the Hungarian-born investor and philanthropist said the war has “shaken Europe to its core.”

His comment was clear.

“The invasion may have been the beginning of the Third World War and our civilization may not survive it,” Soros said.

“We must mobilise all our resources to bring the war to an early end. The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilization is to defeat Putin as soon as possible,” he said.

But Soros ultimately framed the situation as an economic one, noting some of the Kremlin’s recent decisions regarding gas and oil allowed them to make “lots of money”.

someone here
May 26

WHY, is that POS SOREass STILL >>ALIVE? This TRAITOR, is supporting/supplying ANTI AMERICAS..

Susan Lea
May 26

George Soros swore in the 1980s that he would work to destroy America. With Soros funding so many endeavors to shake up the world so he could make more money in his currency gambling, the fact that he is openly telling us to hate Putin makes me seriously question all of this. Putin's invasion of Ukraine never needed to occur. Zelenskyy works for Soros, and does Soros' bidding. Zelenskyy never met with Putin or Putin's people, and made NO effort at all to create any peace or stabilize the region. Ukraine never applied to NATO for membership until after Russia invaded. Zelensky insulted all Americans, calling us "cowards". The Globalists got what they wanted from America's politicians, and Americans, who get nothing, continue to get nothing except higher prices and the constant deluge of Illegals. What Zelensky really did was ramp up hostilities. With all the less than honest reporting, it has been difficult to understand what is happening. The Ukrainians are Russians. Catherine the Great placed thousands of Germans in the Ukrainian in the 18th Century to farm and bring better technology to the region. The Russian Jews continued to exact tolls and taxes. They weighed the farm produce and were known for cheating.

Bill Huracan
May 26

George Soros is a snake in the grass. Putin must be no longer be an acolyte of Soros global plans and now wants Putin eliminated. Let's not forget that Soros is not alone. He is part of the World Economic Forum corporation. This snake has many heads like the Hydra.

May 26

'George Soros Says Civilization May End on Account of Ukraine Invasion'

Then you can step right in like you done after World War ll and make millions off what is left - and how many died because of you back then.

Raeman C Haines
May 25

Gee Georgie , lot of good your money would do you then should the eold end . Of course it happens you'd be off the hook , Russia wouldn't have a million dollar reward on you anymore and there'd be no more warrent for your arrest in your homeland either . But then you would still have to answer to God for your crimes during WWII , collaborating with your Nazi lover and betraying your fellow Jews .

May 25

We all know that Soros and his kind are only looking out for themselves, so why are we even listening to anything he has to say? You can bet that he is twisting what the truth really is about this whole thing.

Gary Melechinsky
May 25

If Soros wants to defeat Russia, that is hard evidence that our government is on the wrong side. Maybe it's time to at least stop taking sides in a situation where we can't really know what is actually going on.

Sister Taran
May 25

The “philanthropist” George Soros has probably shorted Currencies everywhere that are suffering depreciation because of Putin and is hoping his words will create a panic.

kirk ryan sr
May 25

Let's hope he ends soon!

May 25

Need to take a closer look at what happened.Putin is definitely not a good guy but he wants to expand his range of power. He is not a one world order man. On the other hand zelenskyy is a Schwab man all the way and Soros is pretty tight with him too and they are pushing the One World order. Think about that?

May 25

He should have been tried for war crime but skated for too long. Justice awaits this nazi and rabid hater of all things good.

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