Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Docs From 2021 Int'l Security Exercise Showed Monkeypox Bio Attack on May 15, 2022 By Elizabeth Stauffer May 22, 2022 at 4:18pm


Docs From 2021 Int'l Security Exercise Showed Monkeypox Bio Attack on May 15, 2022

In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a global security organization “focused on reducing nuclear and biological threats imperiling humanity,” joined by members of the Munich Security Conference, conducted an exercise which involved a lethal, global monkeypox pandemic.

In a November 2021 report, NTI looked at the outbreak of the monkeypox virus in the fictional country of Brinia on May 15, 2022, which was the focus of the March exercise. Under their imaginary scenario, “the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight.”

In the table below (which can be viewed on page 10 of the report), NTI divided their discussions into three “moves.”

In the first move, 1,421 cases of the virus resulting in four deaths are reported in Brinia.

By Jan. 10, 2023, seven months later, the virus has spread to 83 countries. There are 70 million cases worldwide, and 1.3 million people have died. Researchers have learned that the virus was engineered to be vaccine-resistant.

By May 10, 2023, 480 million cases have been reported, resulting in 27 million fatalities worldwide.

By December 2023, cases have reached 3.2 billion, and 271 million people have died.

NTI identifies “gaps” between nations’ current levels of pandemic preparedness and what would be necessary to deal with a catastrophe of this magnitude. Naturally, NTI emphasizes an international response coordinated by a supranational organization, such as the World Health Organization.

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I’m not saying the recent, very real outbreak of the monkeypox was engineered. On the contrary, all indications are that it’s naturally occurring.But it is a remarkable coincidence, isn’t it?
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A new pandemic, as the current one recedes to endemic status, would be every Democrat’s dream come true. We’re less than six months out from a critical election that will determine the second half of the Biden presidency, and prospects are looking pretty dim for the party. But just as COVID-19 tipped the 2020 election, monkeypox, if it really took hold, could sway the midterms. Can lightning really strike twice?

Finally, it’s worth noting that one of the co-chairs of this little exercise is none other than Dr. Ernest J. Moniz, who served as the Department of Energy secretary during the Obama administration.

It’s probably a coincidence as well, but it definitely shows the incestuous nature of the elites — this same group of people seems to run everything and show up everywhere.

The Western Journal has reached out to NTI for a comment on this story.

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Elizabeth is a contract writer at The Western Journal. Her articles have appeared on many conservative websites including RedState, Newsmax, The Federalist,, HotAir, MSN and RealClearPolitics. Please follow Elizabeth on Twitter.

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