Monday, July 3, 2023

Bible back on bookshelves after Utah school district banned it for ‘vulgarity and violence’;The entire wind energy industry could be facing serious technical problems


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How Starboard CEO Ryan Coyne Became One His Generation's Most Impressive Entrepreneurs

Baltimore’s Dem mayor blames Texas, Florida, other southern states for holiday weekend bloodbath

Jen Psaki hatches wild conspiracy theory that GOP is ‘recruiting’ Muslims to ‘go after’ transgenders

Jemele Hill: Asian-Americans who back affirmative action ruling ‘carrying water for white supremacy’

Joy Reid confesses to viewers the only reason she got into Harvard was affirmative action policies

Proposed law awaiting NY Gov. Hochul’s signature to use data collection to track LGBT residents

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Bible back on bookshelves after Utah school district banned it for ‘vulgarity and violence’

‘Merchant of Death’ arms dealer traded for Brittney Griner to run for office in Russia

Joe Rogan goes there, describes Dylan Mulvaney as a ‘mentally ill person who’s just an attention whore’

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Britain First: ‘Millionaire actor Richard Gere actively encouraging Third World occupation of Europe’

Universities consider new rankings to skirt SCOTUS ruling on race-based admissions

Fourth Of July cookout spending to hit record high amid inflation

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Former Anheuser-Busch exec calls for company’s CEO to quit over Bud Light boycott

The entire wind energy industry could be facing serious technical problems

Pentagon celebrates transgender army officer ‘embracing authenticity,’ drag queen ‘mother figure’ as pride month ends

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