Saturday, July 1, 2023

Teen who allegedly threw her newborn in the trash seen beaming in prom pic: ‘You would never have known’;George Soros foundation slashes 40% of workforce as billionaire’s empire passed to son


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How Starboard CEO Ryan Coyne Became One His Generation's Most Impressive Entrepreneurs

‘NYT what the f**k are you doing bro?’ Outlet mentions ‘death’ in piece on ways to address student loan debt

George Soros foundation slashes 40% of workforce as billionaire’s empire passed to son

LGBT influencer calls out ‘Neanderthal behavior’ at Pride events: ‘Not an excuse for you all to act a f—ing fool’

‘A line that should have never been crossed’: Has ‘harm reduction’ evolved into encouraging drug use?

Stephen Miller puts more than 200 schools on notice after affirmative action ruling: ‘Going to take them to court’

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Teen who allegedly threw her newborn in the trash seen beaming in prom pic: ‘You would never have known’

Asian-American students finally see hope following SCOTUS ruling: ‘No longer seems like an impossibility’

University offering ‘wellness resources’ to students who can’t cope with SCOTUS rulings

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WNBA player whines about SCOTUS rulings by bashing USA: ‘Trash in so many ways’

‘Dynasty’ star complains Hollywood parties are ‘dull’ now that everyone is concerned about being canceled

Team DeSantis celebrates the end of Pride Month with zinger aimed at Trump

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TX rep issues challenge with ‘American Pride Month’ legislation: Will WH, businesses fly USA flag as proudly as LGBT flag?

Chief Justice Roberts spanks grumpy liberal colleagues for complaining about verdicts they don’t agree with

University reportedly orders professor to complete free speech training after ‘biological women’ reprimand

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