TRUMP CONFRONTS ADMIN’S ‘TRANS’ EASTER DECLARATIONThe Biden administration declared Easter Sunday “Transgender Day of Visibility” and also banned religious-themed Easter egg designs from the White House’s annual children’s art contest. Former President Donald Trump called the declaration “blasphemous” and accused President Joe Biden of engaging in a “years-long assault on the Christian faith.”READ
CLIMATE CHANGE ACTIVISTS INVADE EASTER MASSLeftist protesters with the radical climate-change group Extinction Rebellion disrupted the Easter Vigil Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City on Saturday evening. The protesters approached the sanctuary, held up a banner, and shouted during the culmination of the highest point in the Catholic liturgical year. Police escorted the protesters out of Mass. READ
BIDEN BACKERS FUME OVER KENNEDY PRESIDENTIAL CHALLENGEDemocrats slammed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after he announced Nicole Shanahan as his presidential running mate on Tuesday, with lawmakers expressing worry that the pair’s campaign will siphon votes from Biden in his rematch this fall with Trump.READ
BIDEN PLEADS WITH FORMER HALEY SUPPORTERS FOR VOTESThe Biden campaign on Friday released an ad targeting Nikki Haley supporters, spending $1 million on the effort. “If you voted for Nikki Haley, Donald Trump doesn’t want your vote,” the ad proposes. “Save America. Join us.” The appeal to Republican voters comes as Democratic advisors sound the alarm about Biden losing significant support among usually reliably ethnic minorities and regions.READ
BIDEN MILITARY ABORTION PUSH FALLS FLATImmediately after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, Biden vowed an “all-of-government” effort to promote and expand abortion by any means. Biden’s massive pro-abortion push included the use of taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions in the military. But the Pengaton now reports that service members have only used its controversial abortion travel policy 12 times from June through December.READ
UNITED AIRLINES PASSENGERS HOSPITALIZED Two United Airlines planes were forced to land late last week over incidents that occurred during their flights. At least seven passengers on United Airlines Flight 85 from Tel Aviv to Newark were hospitalized for injuries they sustained after the plane hit unexpected turbulence just moments before landing.READ
NEW TECH LETS COPS DETECT WEAPONS IN NYC SUBWAYS New York City Democratic Mayor Eric Adams unveiled a freestanding gun scanner at Manhattan’s Fulton Transit Center last week in response to recent spikes in crime. Adams noted the new technology will allow police to monitor commuters as they walk through the scanner. A weapon’s location shows up as orange on a screen, enabling officers to conduct an immediate search and confiscation.READ
BEAUTY The Easter sequence is always magnificent.LISTEN
POPE SKIPS GOOD FRIDAY PRAYERS FOR HEALTH REASONSIn an apparent last-minute decision, Pope Francis skipped the Way of the Cross ceremony held at Rome’s Colosseum on Friday to safeguard his health ahead of the upcoming liturgies on Saturday and Easter Sunday. The news arrived just as the event was scheduled to begin.READ
EASTERTIDE HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN! Easter Sunday BEGINS the Easter season. The 50-day Eastertide, running to Pentecost, is the longest season on the Church calendar (not counting Ordinary Time). Here’s how you can fully live out the most glorious season in the liturgical year.READ
WHEN SUFFERING DRIVES FRIENDS FROM FAITHSometimes Christians can’t reconcile the pain they feel, and the reality that pain reveals to them, with the claims Christianity makes. Here’s how you can respond when a friend’s suffering drives him away from the faith.READ
CATHOLIC 101“If any have toiled from the first hour, let them receive their due reward; If any have come after the third hour, let him with gratitude join in the Feast!” Today is a great day to read this rousing and instructive Easter homily by St. John Chrysostom. Christ is Risen! Alleluia!READ
SAINT OF THE DAYSt. Mary of Egypt lived as a prostitute for 17 years before adopting the faith. She joined a group traveling to Jerusalem intending to lead others to sin but instead experienced a radical conversion. After praying and promising to amend her life, Mary received the Eucharist for the first time. She began living as a hermitess and was discovered 47 years later by a priest who brought her Communion. She died that night after receiving the Eucharist.READ
DAILY PSALM "Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope.” (Psalm 16:1)READ
CONVERSION Tammy Peterson entered the Catholic Church at this year’s Easter Vigil. Her husband Dr. Jordan Peterson sat by her side for the two-hour Mass at Holy Rosary in Toronto.SHARE
Credit: Colm Flynn / EWTN
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