George Soros was furious after Ron DeSantis blew the lid on his plot to destroy the United States

Over the past several years, Democrat prosecutors have implemented soft-on-crime policies like cashless bail in towns and cities across America.
But these prosecutors all have one thing in common.
And George Soros was furious after Ron DeSantis blew the lid on his plot to destroy the United States.
Billionaire investor George Soros has been one of the biggest donors on the Left for decades.
Soros uses his Open Societies Foundation to funnel money to Democrats and virtually every left-wing organization under the sun.
But one of the biggest negative impacts Soros is making on the country is through his bankrolling the campaigns of woke prosecutors.
Once elected, these leftist prosecutors implement pro-criminal policies and let crime run rampant.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis removed two Soros-backed prosecutors from office after they refused to enforce laws they did not like.
On Wednesday, DeSantis blew the lid on one of the top ways George Soros is ruining our country.
“He’s been very destructive to this country,” DeSantis told the Florida delegation at the RNC.
DeSantis revealed the thinking behind the strategy George Soros used to install his handpicked prosecutors in towns and cities nationwide.
“But on this, on the prosecutors, what he recognized is that nobody gets involved in prosecutor races,” he said. “So, if he goes to a blue area and he gets a million dollars behind some wack job leftist DA candidate, they will win the Democratic primary,” he continued, before adding “and guess what, they’ll end up getting elected.”
DeSantis pointed to cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Chicago, and Philadelphia as examples of cities that have been ruined by Soros-backed prosecutors.
As DeSantis explained, Soros gets far more bang for his buck in a local election than he does in a bigger race like a Senate campaign.
Soros bankrolled Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s campaign.
Bragg ran on a promise to take down Donald Trump, a promise he followed through on with his bogus criminal charges.
DeSantis said Soros wants to destroy the United States.
“He’s trying to bring as much destruction to this country as possible,” he said.
Crime is surging in Democrat-controlled cities all over America.
It is no longer safe to walk the streets in places like New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.
And George Soros-backed prosecutors are the reason why criminals are allowed to run rampant in Democrat-run cities.
DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.