Fleeing from Saul, King David goes south to the wilderness of Judah, but quickly becomes
aware of the lack of water. Today's psalm, therefore, begins with a focus on his
thirsts. He experiences physical thirst for water in "a dry and weary land," but
more significantly, a spiritual yearning for God’s presence. The Judean desert
is unique due to its proximity to the Jerusalem mountains. Within a few
kilometers, the amount of rainfall decreases drastically from plenty to dearth.
This is because of a geological phenomenon called a rain shadow desert. The
clouds rise from the west and bring rain over Jerusalem, but due to the extreme
drop of almost 1,000 meters in a short distance, the clouds dissipate and only
re-emerge when they reach the mountains of Jordan. David recognizes the threat
of scarcity of water, but says it pales in comparison to the absence of God’s
presence. In Israel today there is a true need for bread and water for the
country's needy. Help 'Karmey Chesed' provide for the hungry so that they can
focus on their own spiritual pursuits.