Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pope Pushes Malthusian Elite Agenda In Historic Call For New Global Order

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Pope Pushes Malthusian Elite Agenda In Historic Call For New Global Order CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth ​Journal. Government corruption by lobbyist to silence the voices of the people, staged war on terror, endless illegal wars of aggression, ongoing false flag operations with crisis actors, out of control police state, creation and arming proxy terrorist armies like ISIS, geoengineering ongoing crimes against humanity and the planet, ongoing GMO...


First US-Russian air clash builds up as Moscow orders US planes to exit Syrian air space

CONTRIBUTOR: DEBKAfile. DEBKAfile was founded by a team of journalists in June 2000 as an independent Internet Web site, providing an intelligence and security news service. September 30, 2015, 12:30 PM (IDT) A day after the Obama-Putin summit, Russian diplomats ordered US planes to quit Syria, adding that Russian fighter jets were...


Will Christians Survive the False Prophet, the UN, Common Core and Chrislam?

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. The leader of “Chrislam”, Pope Francis. Even if I were to overlook the obvious hypocrisy of the Pope in his repeated messages which were very thinly veiled propaganda for globalist initiatives, there are some very disturbing things about this particular Pope that I cannot come to grips with as a...


The New Terrorism Threat That Even Has Off-Gridders Nervous CONTRIBUTOR: Off The Grid News. Image source: Terrorists may have found a simple yet terrifying means of thwarting security and spreading fear and mistrust. Unidentified militants could be planning to disguise themselves as police, firefighters and even paramedics before staging attacks, a memo sent to law enforcement agencies in Pennsylvania indicates. “The impersonators’ main...


Revolution To Remove Cabal Corporations: World’s First Zero-Waste Grocery Stores: No Packaging, Plastic, Or Cabal Corporate Brands. CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project. Vatic Note: Yup, the Western world is noted for its creativity, adaptability and resilience and this is living proof of it. What a really seriously great article this is and well worth the read and pondering. I bet creativity begins to emerge just from seeing such great ideas as...


Planned Parenthood video shows abortionists laughing at the sound of a baby's skull cracking, talking about how to avoid getting caught trafficking baby parts CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project. Vatic Note: I simply have no words. No wonder we are in a spiritual battle for our very souls, along with our various nations. We better wake up and smell the evil. This is self explanatory and does not need much more from me. I am sure...


ALERT! Putin Gets Permission To Use Russian Military In Syria

CONTRIBUTOR: illuminatinsider. The post ALERT! Putin Gets Permission To Use Russian Military In Syria appeared first on Kev Baker Show. Vladimir Putin’s stance on the Syria situation is hardening with news that he now has the permission of the Russian Parliament to use military force abroad. With his forces building up...


Left-Wing Americans Call for Ban on Talking about Politics & Religion in Public (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Bluegrass Pundit. ...


Globalist Documents Reveal America to Lose WW III Along With 90% of Its Population

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. America has a date with depopulation and that date is 2025 at the latest. Thanks to Ted Turner for making it clear what the globalists truly desire. Ninety percent depopulation is the goal. The Georgia Guidestones declares that humanity will be reduced by 90%. To do that,...


Breaking: Teamsters Union Considering Donald Trump Endorsement. (Video) Trump Pressure To Break Obama The Antichrist? CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) Question: "How long till the Antichrist Obama buckles under the pressure from Trump?" Also see: People Calling Trump The Messiah-Saviour (Video) Donald Trump...






CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins


CONTRIBUTOR: The Total Collapse


CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project

CURATOR: Lisa Haven


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Before It's News
775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
Mill Valley, California 94941 Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

PROPHECY ALERT: Abbas Breaks Peace Agreement With Israel

Published on Sep 30, 2015

President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority declares "Oslo Accords is over" also

Russia Bombs Assad Enemies Not ISIS

Published on Sep 30, 2015

Putin has bombed the enemies of Assad in Syria and not ISIS also

BREAKING: 17 Explosions China 7 Dead 51 Injured

Published on Sep 30, 2015

17 explosions in China as 7 are dead 51 injured also

Hurricane Joaquin "God's Judgement"

Published on Sep 30, 2015

Is this Hurricane Joaquin " God's Judgement"

BREAKING: "Russia Attacks Syria" USA Stand Down!!

Published on Sep 30, 2015

Russia is attacking Syria "USA Standing Down" and Senator John McCain very upset also

Breaking: Midnight "Dip The Chip" RFID Technology

Published on Sep 30, 2015

Midnight tonight the "Dip The Chip" RFID Technology goes into effect also

"Honey In The Rock" Cleveland Clinic..

Published on Sep 30, 2015

"Is There Honey in the Rock"? Are You Serious? also

Obadiah 1:3-4

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  Obadiah 1:3-4

(3) The pride of your heart has deceived you,
You who dwell in the clefts of the rock,
Whose habitation is high;
Youwho say in your heart, "Who will bring me down to the ground?"
(4) Though you ascend as high as the eagle,
And though you set your nest among the stars,
From there I will bring you down," says the LORD.

New King James Version   Change your email Bible version
Pride deceives one into believing and eventually doing wrongly. What does it deceive a person into believing?
In this context God quotes Edom as saying, "Who will bring me down to the ground?" Edom dwelt in the mountainous country southeast of Judea, and Petra was their stronghold. They thought their combination of military strength and impregnable position made them impossible to defeat. Yet notice what verse 4 adds: "'Though you exalt yourself as high as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down,' says the LORD."
What had pride done? It had deceived them into believing they were secure, self-sufficient, quick-witted, intelligent, and strong enough to withstand anybody. This clearly illustrates that pride's power lies in its ability to deceive us into believing in our self-sufficiency. Even in our everyday relationships with other people, this is a serious deception, but when the deception involves our relationship with God, the level of seriousness reaches alarming proportions.
The Edomites looked at their stronghold and then at themselves and their enemies. They concluded they were stronger than all—they were impregnable! Their evaluation was in error because they left God out of the picture. Therein lies much of the problem concerning pride. Against whom do we evaluate ourselves? Pride usually chooses to evaluate the self against those considered inferior. It must do this so as not to lose its sense of worth. To preserve itself, it will search until it finds a flaw.
If it chooses to evaluate the self against a superior, its own quality diminishes because the result of the evaluation changes markedly. In such a case, pride will often drive the person to compete against—and attempt to defeat—the superior one to preserve his status (Proverbs 13:10). Pride's power is in deceit, and the ground it plows to produce evil is in faulty evaluation.

— John W. Ritenbaugh
To learn more, see:
Pride, Humility, and the Day of Atonement

Related Topics:
Exalting Self
Relationship With God
Relationships With People
Self Sufficiency
Commentary copyright © 1992-2015 Church of the Great God
New King James Version copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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Charlotte, NC 28247

Globalist Documents Reveal America to Lose WW III Along With 90% of Its Population

War and Conflict News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Globalist Documents Reveal America to Lose WW III Along With 90% of Its Population

CONTRIBUTOR: . America has a date with depopulation and that date is 2025 at the latest. Thanks to Ted Turner for making it clear what the globalists truly desire. Ninety percent depopulation is the goal. The Georgia Guidestones declares that humanity will be reduced by 90%. To do that,...

Breaking -- Russian Parliament Unanimously Approves Use of Troops in Syria CONTRIBUTOR: . The upper chamber of the Russian parliament has unanimously given a formal consent to President Putin to use the nation’s military in Syria to fight terrorism at a request from the Syrian President Bashar Assad. Consent was necessary for deployment of troops for foreign combat missions under the Russian constitution....

Major Afghan City Falls to Taliban Fighters During Obama UN Address CONTRIBUTOR: . by Jim Kouri The fall of Kunduz to the Taliban is not unlike the fall of Iraqi provinces to ISIL At just about the same time the news media swooned over President Barack Obama’s speech at the United Nations on Monday, hundreds of Islamist terrorists from the group the President...

International Military Review - Syria, Sep 29, 2015

CONTRIBUTOR: . Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: Subscribe our channel!: Russia has taken the initiative in the Middle East. Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria have made an agreement to set a joint information center to coordinate their operations against...

German Preacher Supports Refugees In Sermon--[Picture] CONTRIBUTOR: . Events like the refugee crisis weigh heavy on the minds and hearts of German Christians. While I’m typically allergic to topical sermons, preferring undeviating verse-by-verse exposition, I was moved and refreshed when our pastor in Heidelberg interrupted his sermon series to take a look at what Scripture...

Afghanistan: Afghan forces launch counterattack in Kunduz CONTRIBUTOR: . Afghan security forces are battling Taliban militants to regain control of the northern city of Kunduz, a day after Islamic militants from the movement seized the city from government troops. Afghan security forces on September 29 retook government buildings, including the city prison and the provincial police headquarters from Taliban...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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NASA lies during Water On Mars Press Conference? You Decide!

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Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

NASA lies during Water On Mars Press Conference? You Decide! CONTRIBUTOR: . NASA and JPL have ignored every single email, comment, tweet, and snail mail I have sent them about these abundance of Curiosity Rover images that show water or another form of liquid running down from the rocks on Mars and resting on the hills. Not one reply. Now flash forward...

Strong M7.6 Solar Flare And Radio Blackout Over South America And The Atlantic Ocean CONTRIBUTOR: . SOLAR FLARE AND RADIO BLACKOUT: Today, Sept. 28th at 1458 UT, a strong M7-class solar flare erupted in the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2422. Extreme UV radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere and caused a brief low-frequency radio blackout over South America and the Atlantic ocean....

NASA Confirms Liquid Water on Mars Now - Videos CONTRIBUTOR: . New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars. Using an imaging spectrometer on MRO, researchers detected signatures of hydrated minerals on slopes where mysterious streaks are seen on the Red Planet. These darkish streaks appear to ebb...

If there is Liquid Water on Mars, no one—not even NASA—can Get Anywhere Near it CONTRIBUTOR: . Image credit: NASA September 29, 2015 NASA claims to have found evidence of liquid water on Mars. If true, you’d expect the US government to scramble to set up a new mission to test the claim. After all, discovering that Mars has life or even that in can support life...

A Horn on Mars? CONTRIBUTOR: . Red arrow points to a horn-like something. Image

Huge! NASA Scientists Have Discovered Flowing Water On Mars CONTRIBUTOR: . Liquid water flows on Mars today, boosting the odds that life could exist on the Red Planet, a new study suggests. The enigmatic dark streaks on Mars — called recurring slope lineae (RSL) — that appear seasonally on steep, relatively warm Martian slopes are caused by salty liquid water,...

A Bird's Wing on Mars? CONTRIBUTOR: . Red arrow points to the remains of a bird's wing? (see Its ulna, radius and carpus may have been covered with dust. Image source: Context:

NASA Lays the Groundwork for Homesteading in Space with 3D Printing

CONTRIBUTOR: . When moving from one city to another, people rarely bring their house with them -- they just rent, buy or build a new one. Astronauts don't have the luxury of a realtor on other planets, or even a hardware store in space. They generally bring everything they might need on...

Challenge-Watch the Daytime Moon Occult Aldebaran for North America This Friday CONTRIBUTOR: . The Moon an Aldebaran shortly after the September 5th, 2015 occultation. Image credit and copyright: Mike Taylor How about that total lunar eclipse this past Sunday? Keep an eye of the waning gibbous Moon this week, as it begins a dramatic dive across the ecliptic towards a series of photogenic...

'Apollo: The Panoramas'

CONTRIBUTOR: . A new book, now being funded on Kickstarter, presents a wide look at the photographs taken by astronauts while on the moon. "Apollo: The Panoramas" by Mike Constantine of Moonpans, contains more than 50 lunar surface panoramas, each spanning two full pages, with detailed descriptions and the comments of...

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