Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christ Said He'll Send Prophets And Wise Men

Spirit News Weekly Featured

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Christ Said He'll Send Prophets And Wise Men

CONTRIBUTOR: . The prophecy of the Son of God regarding coming prophets and wise men: Matthew 23:34 Wherefore behold, I will send to you, [Pharisees], prophets and wise men and some of them you will kill and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to...

Living with Abandon CONTRIBUTOR: . By Jim Torres “Towers” I live life with abandon. How about you? A concerned friend recently wrote to me asking me to be careful when encountering strangers with the gospel. I know it was meant for my good and I appreciate her concern, but I love adventure, discovery and people....

Forget Shorter Showers – Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Social Change

CONTRIBUTOR: . 1st December 2015 By Derrick Jensen B.Sc Guest Writer for Wake Up World The Misdirected Environmental Movement Would any sane person think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water would have...

What Excites You?

CONTRIBUTOR: . Make a list of things that excite you. What kind of person would you be if you could sustain this level of excitement more often? What steps can you take to become more like that person. I must admit that I am a person that doesn’t get excited easily. I...

Pagan Eye: Pagans on the March for Climate Change CONTRIBUTOR: . Many pagans are passionate about environmental causes. Yesterday - Sunday, 29 November - Mani of Gaian Times Eco-Spiritual Magazine joined the People's March for Climate Change, Justice and Jobs in London and co-ordinated a group of witches and other pagans who wanted to march together.I wasn't able to get there,...

Pagan Portals Candle Magic Competition Answer

CONTRIBUTOR: . The competition to win a copy of my new book Pagan Portals - Candle Magic ended at midnight last night. Today I'll be selecting the winner from all the correct answers I received before the closing time. If you entered, watch your email inbox to see if you have won.The...

Fanaticism: Rational or Irrational

CONTRIBUTOR: . Life is unfathomable but people attempt to fathom it through diverse perspectives. Owing to its broad social, cultural and economic spectrum, nowhere is this diversity of beliefs as pronounced as it is in India.   When everyone is granted freedom of expression by the constitution, dissent is inevitable but violence...

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