Monday, March 28, 2016

And I will set thy border from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River; Exodus 23:31 (The Israel Bible™)

'Feel' Israel with this amazing 3D map | 18 Adar II 5776
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And I will set thy border from the Red Sea
even unto the sea of the Philistines,
and from the wilderness unto the River;


וְשַׁתִּי אֶת גְּבֻלְךָ מִיַּם סוּף וְעַד יָם פְּלִשְׁתִּים וּמִמִּדְבָּר עַד הַנָּהָר

שמות כג:לא

v'-sha-tee et gvul-kha mi-yam suf v'-ad yam plish-teem u-mi-mid-bar ad ha-na-har

Jerusalem Inspiration

The geography of the Land of Israel is incredibly important to the understanding of the Bible. A majority of the most significant Biblical events take place within Israel's borders, and in order to truly know the Bible, one must know the Land of Israel and understand what God meant when he described the borders and limits of the land to Moses and the Israelites. The paths of the Patriarchs and other Biblical figures are precisely described throughout the text, as are their dwelling-places and the locations of their births, deaths, revelations, prophecies and wars. With the Touch Israel Biblical map, you will be able to access a deeper knowledge of the events and people of the Bible than you could ever imagine. It is labeled with all of the towns, cities, regions, rivers and lakes mentioned in the Bible. See exactly where each tribe settled in the Land, the locations of the surrounding nations, and the roads that the patriarchs walked.

'Hatikva' at Ben Gurion

Watch this meaningful rendition of "Hatikva" by new immigrants to Israel in Ben-Gurion Airport. It gives fresh new meaning to the lyrics: “Our two thousand year-old hope.”

Another Lifesaving Israeli Medical Breakthrough

In a significant breakthrough, Israeli researchers from Tel Aviv University say they have engineered a bionic heart patch.

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus DVD

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus by Timothy Mahony, is a video presenting an examination of a plethora of information gathered during twelve years of research and travel, in an attempt to unlock and reveal evidence of one of the most well-known stories within biblical history, The Exodus of the Jews from Egypt.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Boruch Len's amazing photo of star trails over British Park in central Israel. This gorgeous setting extends over some 40,000 dunam (approx 10,000 acres) of the Judean plain, including a JNF planted forest, natural woodland, archaeological sites, and of course, great spots for stargazing!

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Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

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  Jerusalem365 is really allowing us enjoy the scenes of the holy land at our office comfort. Before I make a trip there I will have known areas of interest in the holyland. Keep posting. May God bless you, may God bless Jews- Simon Mumburi
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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