Monday, March 28, 2016

P.S. From increasing terrorist attacks on Israel's streets to Iran's continued threats to “wipe Israel off the map” we can never forget how real the dangers are to Israel’s very existence
Dear Friend of Israel,
Last week, more than 18,000 pro-Israel activists engaged with our nation's top leaders at the largest ever AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington DC.
While much was achieved during these three days in Washington (including delegates from all 50 states participating in 535 lobbying appointments on Capitol Hill), there is still much work to be done. That is why I am writing to ask for your assistance.
Your support as a member of AIPAC will ensure we are able to work effectively with Congress to strengthen the vital U.S.-Israel relationship during these dangerous and difficult times.
Please also watch your email in the coming weeks for action alerts to contact Congress in support of vital legislation that strengthens America and Israel.
Thank you in advance for your help and support.


Brian Shankman
Director of Regional Affairs and Development
P.S. From increasing terrorist attacks on Israel's streets to Iran's continued threats to “wipe Israel off the map” we can never forget how real the dangers are to Israel’s very existence. Please join the organization that has successfully worked with Congress to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship for six decades. Please join AIPAC today.


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