Thursday, March 31, 2016

Fox News Just Made One Of The Biggest Announcements Of Its 20-Year History
PHOTO: Anti-Trumpers Hear THUNDER As Bad@$$ Group Shows Up At Rally To Protect Supporters
Trump-haters have gotten used to getting their way -- blocking roads, getting Trump rallies canceled, and intimidating Donald J. Trump fans.But when they tried their little intimidation game this time, they got a rude awaking.Suddenly they heard the sound of thunder and then another group showed up to teach them who's boss. Read more...
Fox News Just Made One Of The Biggest Announcements Of Its 20-Year History
WOW! Fox News just made a HUGE announcement that a lot of people didn't expect...Are you a Fox News viewer? Read more...
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FRAUD: Obama Posts Easter Pic On Facebook… But People Notice 1 Huge Problem
Obama posted this "Happy Easter" pic on Sunday, but it didn't take long before people started noticing 1 enormous problem.Did he just get caught in a sickening lie? Probably... but decide for yourself. Read more...
Ex-Clinton Mistress Steps Forward With Bombshell From Past – This Time About Hillary
Wow. Just when I thought I'd heard everything about Hillary Clinton...This does NOT look good. Her campaign is going to want to keep this quiet...Share this to spread the TRUTH about Clinton. Read more...
Waitress Gets Pic With George W. and Laura, Then Makes SICKENING Move They Didn’t Expect
This waitress acted very nice when President George W. Bush and his wife Laura W. Bush walked into her restaurant. When the meal was over, they even posed for a picture with her.But what she did next was absolutely disgusting... and now her sick move has gotten splattered across the internet for everyone to see. Read more...
VIDEO: Stunning Thing Happens When ‘Trump Supporter’ Encounters Pack Of Bernie Supporters
Wow. This tells you all you need to know about the differences between Donald Trump's supporters and Bernie Sanders' supporters... Read more...
BREAKING: Heidi Cruz Issues Huge Announcement About Campaign… Liberals Thrilled
Ted Cruz's, Heidi, just issued a startling announcement about her plans to campaign for her Ted.This is NOT what the Cruz campaign needs right now. Read more...
Right After Charges Are Filed Against Trump’s Campaign Manager, Secret Service Agents Drop A Bombshell
The controversy surrounding Donald Trump's campaign manager has been dominating the news, but the Secret Service just revealed new info that could change EVERYTHING...Should Trump stand by his campaign manager? Read more...
RED ALERT: Calif. Campers Hear Weird Noise Then Make Chilling Islamic Discovery
These campers found an isolated area in the wilderness to set up camp, but then they started hearing strange noises.When they investigated, they made a chilling Islamic discovery that brought the police running. Read more...
VIDEO: Geraldo Goes Trump On ‘Dancing With The Stars’ – It Immediately Goes Horribly Wrong
Geraldo Rivera thought it would be a good idea to make fun of Donald Trump on 'Dancing With The Stars.This video shows why he was dead wrong... Read more...
Shocking Secret Reason Rubio Won’t Support Cruz Comes Out… We’re Being PLAYED
Marco Rubio's refusal to endorse Ted Cruz against Donald J. Trump seemed very strange at first.But now a secret reason for his refusal has just come out, and it proves we're ALL being played.This is outrageous... Read more...
Some Schools Told Michelle’s Lunch Rules To Get Lost – Now Obama Admin’s Taking SICK Revenge
Michelle Obama's lunch regulations have been rejected by many schools across the country. Now the Obama Administration is responding fiercely, and they're going to try and make these schools pay the price... Read more...

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