Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Watch: Ben Shapiro Explains To Progressives How ‘A Bundle of Cells’ Is Really A Human Being; They Ignore Him

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Boom: Cruz 40, Trump 30 in New Wisconsin Poll
Guy Benson
"No matter what he does, Trump always goes up in the polls!" That's the line Trump followers routinely employ when their man dives face-first into the latest unseemly controversy du jour -- including, most recently, spreading conspiracy theories to justify attacking and threatening Ted Cruz's wife.
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Trump: Punish Women Who Have Abortions
Christine Rousselle
Kasich Lands Big Endorsement in Wisconsin
Katie Pavlich
National Border Patrol Council Endorses Donald Trump
Christine Rousselle
SCOTUS Wars: Over A Quarter of Senate GOP Caucus Will Now Meet With Judge Garland
Matt Vespa
Being A Trump Impersonator Apparently Pays Pretty Well
Christine Rousselle
Cruz, Lee Criticize DOJ For Giving Special Treatment to Abortion Clinics
Cortney O'Brien
Trump: The 'Very Dangerous' Pen Reporter Michelle Fields Was Carrying Could Have Been a 'Little Bomb'
Katie Pavlich
"She went through the Secret Service, she had a pen in her hand, which Service Service is not liking because they don't know what it is, whether it's a little bomb," Trump said.
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Friendly Reminder: Australia's Gun Buyback Program Was A Disaster, Created 'Violent Black Market' For Firearms
Matt Vespa
So, Democrats want a violent black market economy for firearms in America. Is that about right?
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Iranian Leader: "Those Who Say Future is in Negotiations, Not Missiles, Are Ignorant or Traitors"
Justin Holcomb
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that Iran would not abandon its ballistic missile program.
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Watch: Ben Shapiro Explains To Progressives How ‘A Bundle of Cells’ Is Really A Human Being; They Ignore Him
Matt Vespa
Prior to Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro speech at George Washington University last night, he stopped by Maryland’s Salisbury University, where he got into a prolonged debate with two pro-choice attendees.
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GOP Frontrunner Thinks Health Care, Education Are Among Federal Government's Top Roles
Leah Barkoukis
Ask any Republican and they'll likely tell you that the federal government should not be involved in education or health care.
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ICYMI: UN Only Condemns Israel as Violator of Women's Rights
Leah Barkoukis
When you think about women’s rights…and then which countries in the world are the worst violators of them, Israel probably isn’t the first one that comes to mind. Unless you’re the U.N.
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Rhetoric Suggests Candidates Are Beginning to Look Toward General Election Opponent
Cortney O'Brien
The remaining Republican contenders participated in a CNN town hall Tuesday night, where Anderson Cooper discovered that none of them are willing to declare their support to the eventual nominee.
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GOP Primary Voters Actually Don't Really Care If Candidates Support The Nominee
Katie Pavlich
For nine months, much has been made of the August 2015 pledge each GOP presidential candidate signed promising to support the eventual nominee of the Party.
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Dumping Tabloid Trash on Ted Cruz
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Charting a Course Around a Trump Nomination
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Why Voters Are Turning Off
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“Religious Freedom” Bills -- A Solution In Search Of A Problem
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Political Cartoons
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Clinton Holds Gun Violence Prevention Forum in Milwaukee | Jenn Jacques
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War on women? GOP silent as Trump lashes out at reporter | AP News
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