Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Arrested

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  Must Reads  
Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Arrested
Christine Rousselle
Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has been arrested and charged with simple battery.
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Scott Walker Endorses Ted Cruz Ahead of Wisconsin Primary
Leah Barkoukis
Surprise: Trump Attacks Walker For...Not Raising Taxes in Wisconsin
Guy Benson
Republican Super PAC Wants Candidates To Target Hillary, Not Each Other
Cortney O'Brien
FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Says Michelle Fields "Made Up" Story About Being Grabbed by Campaign Manager
Katie Pavlich
Pentagon Orders US Military Families Out of Turkey
Justin Holcomb
US Donates $1 Billion in Property to Afghanistan
Justin Holcomb
Hollywood Actor Chris Pratt Had An Unusual Easter Sunday Activity
Christine Rousselle
Chris Pratt, the star of Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic World, and Parks and Recreation, spent his Easter Sunday doing something rather unusual: erecting a large metal cross in a field.
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Absurd: Cuomo Bans State Travel to NC
Leah Barkoukis
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is apparently so disturbed by the fact that transgender people in North Carolina cannot choose which restroom or locker room to use based on their gender identity that he has banned all non-essential travel to the state.
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Until Criticized, State Department Refused to Acknowledge Christians Were Target in Easter Suicide Bombing
Katie Pavlich
On Easter Sunday in Lahore, Pakistan, Christian women, children and their families went to a park to congregate and celebrate their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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Middle East Political Analyst: Iran Deal Has ‘Hurt America’s Image as a Superpower’
Cortney O'Brien
A political analyst says the White House's Iran Deal has harmed America's international image.
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ISIS Is Planning 'Imminent' Attack on Jewish Children
Leah Barkoukis
The Islamic State is planning to murder Jewish schoolchildren in Turkey by targeting their schools and youth centers, SkyNews reports.
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Welcome To The Club: Idaho Is Now A Constitutional Carry State
Matt Vespa
As we reported earlier this month, the Gem State was on the verge of becoming the eighth Constitutional carry state in the country, which wouldn’t require law-abiding gun owners to have a permit while carrying their firearms in public within city limits.
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Devastating: 12 Key Quotes from WaPo's Email Scandal Deep Dive
Guy Benson
We referenced this Washington Post report in our piece yesterday afternoon and encouraged Townhall readers to stand by for additional analysis.
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Will Campaign Charges Have Any Effect on Trump’s Numbers?
Cortney O'Brien
No primaries this week for the GOP, but we are not short on campaign headlines.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
The Questions Liberals Never Have to Answer
John Hawkins
John Hawkins
Supreme Hypocrisy
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
It's Open Season on People of Faith in Georgia
Todd Starnes
Todd Starnes
Does Social Connectedness Explain Trump's Appeal?
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
The Free-Trade Paradox
Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore
Obama's Unacceptable Love Affair With Communism
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Doing the Tango in Che’s Stomping Ground Staff Staff
Must Terrorism Be The New Normal?
Cal Thomas
Cal  Thomas
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Clinton Holds Gun Violence Prevention Forum in Milwaukee | Jenn Jacques
Family Dollar Store Clerk Shoots Alleged Armed Robber | Jenn Jacques
LA Taco Stand Employee Shoots Armed Robber | Jenn Jacques
For the Love of Freedom | Jenn Jacques
Chris Chang: How To Properly Grip A Semi-Auto Pistol | Jenn Jacques
Political News
Convicted ex-New York Assembly speaker Silver is disbarred | AP News
Gov. Scott tells Yale: Bring the Ivy League to Florida | AP News
Police charge Trump campaign manager with battery | AP News
Second judge says Clinton email setup may have been in 'bad faith' | Reuters News
Justices seem to seek compromise in birth control case | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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