The Book of 'Devarim', Deuteronomy, is a summary of Moshe's final lessons
to the Jewish people before they enter the Land of Israel in which hundreds of
commandments are repeated and reviewed. The quantity and diversity of the
various commandments does not distract from one primary theme that is repeated
over and over again throughout Devarim, and that is the primacy of the Land of
Israel. In one of the most beautiful descriptions, Moshe describes the Land of
Israel unlike anyplace else on earth, and describes The Almighty constantly
'busy' watching over the Land. The Land of Israel Bible elucidates the
uniqueness of the land featured repeatedly in the Book of Devarim, a land where
God’s presence is fully manifest, and where our relationship with Him is more
profound and more complete. Sign up for any reading plan from the Israel365
website and receive a FREE Inspirational Verses eBook.