Monday, March 28, 2016


Published on Feb 15, 2016

UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! (Please vote thumbs-up for UFOTV®!). Could there be a singular answer to the mystery of the MEGALITHIC STRUCTURES around the world? Is there a pattern, a construction method, OR A CLUE left by these ANCIENT BUILDERS that can tell us more. Could they have been creating a network of power centers that we are only discovering today? Much of the information on the GIANTS and the Ancient NEPHILIM is now coming to light, but many questions remain.

In this 6th Volume of The WATCHERS Series, we began our search for one more spot, one special location, where UNSPOILED EVIDENCE still exists. WATCHERS 6 will take us on an unprecedented look into an ancient race that may have been part of the Nephilim, as reported in Genesis 6. The WATCHERS team of experts converged in Lima, Peru and by the end of the film you'll see that elongated skulls and unexplained beings can still be found. What we don't know is how much longer this evidence will be available.

Proceeds from YouTube help to support the on-going research by The Watchers Team of Investigators.

Coming soon to Special Edition DVD, iTunes, AmazonPRIME, and UFOTV® on Roku!

©2016 Spiral of Life / Pinlight and UFOTV® The Disclosure Movie Network, All rights reserved.

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