Monday, March 28, 2016

Uncovered Mailing Address Reveals Shocking Person Linked to Nude Melania Trump Ad

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Uncovered Mailing Address Reveals Shocking Person Linked to Nude Melania Trump Ad
A super PAC that launched a smear ad on Melania Trump in Utah has been linked to former GOP presidential candidate and Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. According to Breitbart, the Make America Awesome PAC, which ran the smear ad in Utah about Melania's nude modeling, is run by political consultant Liz Mair. Unfortunately, Mair isn't...
Must Reads
BREAKING: After “Wife Fight,” Trump Gets Alarming News From Cruz Campaign
While Republican presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have been duking it out over their wives the past week, something alarming happened that should have both camps turning their campaign focus back to politics. Fox News released a poll indicating the Texas senator is gaining significant ground on Trump. While Trump still takes...
BETRAYAL: Cruz Affair Story WASN’T From Trump… Now We’ve Found the REAL Source
A bombshell report published on Friday revealed that allies of GOP presidential candidate Florida Sen. Marco Rubio played a pivotal role in candidate Sen. Ted Cruz's affair scandal and were likely, in fact, the real source of it. According to The Daily Beast, anti-Cruz operatives pitched details of the alleged scandal for months to various prominent news...
BREAKING: 3 of Cruz “Affair” Women Identified, 2 Immediately Speak Out
The National Enquirer’s so-called story alleging Sen. Ted Cruz had extramarital affairs with five women set the Internet on fire last week. But the accusations did not sit well with at least three of the women who were identified by Internet sleuths. Former Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter, accused of being one of Cruz’s mistresses, addressed the...
PIC: Trucker’s “Special” Pic of Obama Goes Viral… Because of What He’s Hauling
We've all known Barack Obama is full of a certain something I can't say here, at least in a figurative sense. Now, thanks to an enterprising trucker, he's full of it in a literal sense. A picture of this truck showed up on Facebook and immediately began garnering some attention. Perhaps it's a Photoshop job,...
VIDEO: CNN Instantly Cuts to Commercial After Black Trump Fan Says This 1 Thing
One of the major joys of Donald Trump's campaign is watching the mainstream media -- especially CNN -- go absolutely bananas when anything contradicts the narrative they're weaving. This is especially true when it comes to minority supporters of Trump. The latest example of what the media will do to silence black supporters of Trump...

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