Monday, March 28, 2016

He planted an eshel tree in Be'er Sheva, and there he proclaimed in the Name of the Lord, God of the Universe. Genesis 21:33 (The Israel Bible™)

Who prays more - men or women? | 18 Adar II 5776
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He planted an eshel tree in Be'er Sheva,
and there he proclaimed in the Name of the Lord,
God of the Universe.

וַיִּטַּע אֶשֶׁל בִּבְאֵר שָׁבַע וַיִּקְרָא שָׁם בְּשֵׁם יְ-הוָה אֵל עוֹלָם

בראשית כ’’א:ל’’ג

va-yi-ta e-shel bi-bayr sha-va va-yik-ra sham b'-shaym a-do-nai ayl o-lam

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today we gain beautiful insight into Abraham's generous ways. The "eshel" was a fruit tree that Abraham planted to serve fruits to his guests. Our Sages go even deeper and say that "eshel" is an acronym for three Hebrew words: eating (אכילה  a-khee-la), drinking (שתיה sh'tee-ya) and escorting (לויה levaya), the three types of hospitality that Abraham was famous for offering to his guests. Colel Chabad, Israel's oldest charitable organization, follows in the footsteps of Abraham by helping Israel's neediest citizens- widows and orphans, the sick and elderly, poor immigrants, and hospitalized children. Among many projects to help the poor, Colel Chabad now operates 18 free soup kitchens, serving up over 1 million meals annually. Many of the recipients are aged Holocaust survivors who come as much out of their need of a warm smile and simple human contact, as they do for the nutritious food.

Hebrew Music Monday:
"I Lift My Eyes"

Sing along in Hebrew to "I Lift My Eyes," a soulful rendition of Psalm 121, by the popular Israeli band Aspaklaria! You'll love learning Hebrew the fun way - in song!

Pew Study Reveals Women Pray More than Men, Except
in Israel

Despite all three major religions being Abrahamic in origin, they have very different appeal to each gender, with interesting similarities between Judaism and Islam.

'The Joshua and Caleb Report' DVD Sets

In this 4-DVD set, representing the first and second seasons of the series, Joshua and Caleb Waller travel Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to listen to the stories of those who live in the place that the world chooses to call the “West Bank.” You will meet the real faces of people that live in the heartland of Israel.  Choose either season for a 2 DVD set or get both sets for a total of 4 DVD's.

Today's Israel Photo

A beautiful vineyard in the Land of Israel by Boruch Len.

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Jerusalem/Israel365 is ever an inspiration. It's fantastic to see how The Almighty God keeps His promises. My hugs, from Brazil, Phil

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