Wednesday, March 30, 2016

FRAUD: Obama Posts Easter Pic On Facebook… But People Notice 1 Huge Problem

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VIDEO: Woman Sees What Postman Does to Funeral Procession, Instantly Grabs Camera
In America today, many civilians often don't show our military members the respect they deserve. However, there are still patriotic Americans who respect the sacrifice generations have made in the name of freedom. LittleThings reported that a photo of a postal worker respecting a funeral for a World War II veteran by standing with his hat...
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Shocking Secret Reason Rubio Won’t Support Cruz Comes Out… We’re Being PLAYED
After Florida Sen. Marco Rubio dropped out of the Republican primary, it was widely expected that he would endorse Texas Senator Ted Cruz to consolidate the "anti-Trump" forces of the Republican party. However, Rubio has yet to endorse Cruz or Ohio Gov. John Kasich, leading some to question why he has remained silent. The New York Times on Monday...
FRAUD: Obama Posts Easter Pic On Facebook… But People Notice 1 Huge Problem
President Barack Obama rarely attends church, sometimes even on holidays like Christmas and Easter. When he did attend church, back in Chicago, his pastor was a notorious hate-preacher who seemed to focus more on attacking American than spreading the word of Christ. The president has been constantly critical of Christianity. Yet, suggest he's not a dedicated Christian and liberals will...
BREAKING: Trump Drops Bombshell on Who Got Melania’s Nude Photos… This Is WRONG
In an interview on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, Republican front-runner Donald Trump made the shocking claim that his rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, had bought the rights to the semi-nude photo of his wife, Melania Trump, that has been passed around the Internet. That photo, which originally appeared in British GQ in 2000, was...
BREAKING: Heidi Cruz Issues Huge Announcement About Campaign… Liberals Thrilled
After a week that saw Heidi Cruz become the focus of a fight between her husband and Republican front-runner Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential campaign announced that Heidi Cruz would be canceling several campaign appearances in New Jersey. It's unknown whether the cancellations were related to either the Twitter war between Trump and Cruz over their...
CROW: Trump-Hater Krauthammer Makes Shocking Statement… Trump Fans Thrilled
Donald Trump and Fox News have had a very complicated relationship over the past few months. While some Fox pundits love Trump, others do not like his policies, something Trump often claims is proof of their "bias" against him. One of the leading Trump critics has been conservative favorite Charles Krauthammer. But Breitbart reported that Krauthammer...

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