Publix Bakery Donates Pro-Police Treats to Officer’s Memorial
This story overshadowed by a Walmart bakery calling Blue Lives Matter cake “racist.”
It’s quite strange that we live in an America where bakeries have become the epicenter for social commentary. Whether it’s controversies over same-sex wedding cakes, ISIS flag cakes, or “Trump 2016” decorations, bakers nationwide have turned political.
Right now, in this tense climate brought on by the Black Lives Matter crowd, there’s a story out of Georgia that is dominating the media. A McDonough Walmart bakery recently refused to make a Blue Lives Matter cake for a retiring police officer. The request was to decorate the cake with the thin blue line logo and write “Blue Lives Matter.” The reason? It was “racist.”
As the story gained viral traction, the store’s manager got involved and baked the cake himself and offered the customer a $50 gift card. The end result wasn’t the best, but the situation was at least made right:
But in another county in Georgia, an entirely different scenario played out that has flown under the radar; this time at a Publix bakery in Coweta.
There, a request was made for doughnuts to be decorated with blue icing and a badge number written in black on top. They were for the police department which was honoring a fellow officer who recently died from cancer. Not only did the Publix make the treats, they told the customer there would be no charge for the order. That’s how it’s done!
TruthRevolt is happy to pass along a ray of light like this: