Thursday, November 2, 2017

Ancient human remains found in King Solomon's Mines

Eight murdered in New York City terrorist attack
Tuesday's assault was reminiscent of deadly vehicle attacks in Israel and Europe.
4 min read

EXCLUSIVE | Ex-CIA agent: 'EU must change Iran stance'
The operative hoped Trump would succeed at “scaring the bejesus out of the Europeans.”
4 min read

Jewish-Argentinian man among NYC terror attack victims
Five Argentinian nationals were among those killed.
2 min read

Ancient human remains found in King Solomon's Mines
The remains of a pregnant woman stunned archaeologists.
2 min read

How many Jewish millennials believe Jesus is messiah?
The survey revealed some surprising results.
4 min read

Gal Gadot inspires Americans to act like Wonder Woman
Wonder Women all over America made Halloween their own.
2 min read

Cynical Israel: Most Israelis think the world is against them
Who has more influence in the Mideast according to Israelis: Trump or Putin?
3 min read

Hipsters and hasids love this Jewish-themed beard balm
Haredi Orthodox men are using the balm to style their sidelocks, and a woman recently told him she was using it on her split ends.
4 min read

Israel unveils special Temple Mount Police Unit
The announcement comes just a few months after a terror attack on the Temple Mount killed two policemen.
2 min read

KKK leaves hate propaganda in Halloween candy bags
The plastic bags contained hateful literature about minorities and warned of “white extinction.”
2 min read

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