Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CBS Poll: 75% of Viewers Approve of Trump's SOTU

8 in 10 felt that the president was trying to unite the country rather than divide it.

A CBS News survey reveals that a whopping three out of four viewers approved of President Donald Trump's State of the Union address Tuesday evening. From the glum looks of the grumpy Democrat leaders in attendance, particularly a black-clad Nancy Pelosi, they were the remaining one in four.
How did the speech make you feel?
With a +/- 3.1% margin of error, and based on 1,178 interviews conducted on the internet of U.S. residents who viewed the SOTU address, the poll also showed that eight in ten viewers felt that the president was trying to unite the country, rather than divide it. Two-thirds said the speech made them feel proud; only a third said it made them feel safer. About a third said the speech made them feel angry or scared.
Party Identification 
As usual with State of the Union addresses, viewers leaned more towards the president's own party.  
Predictably, most Democrats who tuned in did not approve. Nine in 10 Republicans said the speech made them feel proud, while just more than half of Democrats said it made them feel angry (count that as another win for Trump). Independents largely approved of the speech and said it made them feel proud.
After hearing his State of the Union address, most viewers think the policies they heard tonight would help them personally; Democrats disagree, which is a good sign because Democrats prefer policies that hurt Americans.
Policies you heard in the speech 
The poll showed that most viewers had a favorable opinion of Trump's policy recommendations on issues such as the nation's infrastructure, immigration, and national security.  
Credit for the economy
And after hearing Trump speak, more viewers gave him credit for the current state of the nation's economy, up from 51 percent before viewing the address: 
That's what the average American thinks. What did Nancy Pelosi think? Paul Joseph Watson captured it in a tweet:


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