Wednesday, January 31, 2018

ABC Chief Political Analyst Scolds Nikki Haley for Defending Herself: ‘Have Some Integrity'


#MeWho? Victim of rumors Nikki Haley should learn to have some dignity. That, according to ABC's chief political analyst.
United States Ambassador to the UN Haley recently shot downaccusations made by gossip writer Michael Wolff. On Sunday's Grammy Awards, the program took time out from music to have a Democratic convention: in an astonishing and pathetic injection of politics where it has no place, the show paused for celebrities to read excerpts from Wolff's anti-Trump tabloid of a book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. Even humiliated presidential failure Hillary Clinton showed up to participate in the story-time segment.
Haley was not impressed:
"I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it. Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it."
Her distaste for the political stunt is no doubt personal -- Michael Wolff inferred an affair between Haley and President Trump to Bill Maher on HBO's January 19th episode of Real Time. Since then, Slate and others have connected excerpts from the book to Wolff's insinuation. During a Politico podcast Friday, Haley labeled the "disgusting" story "absolutely not true." Nevertheless, to head ABC political analyst Matthew Dowd, Haley has no class for speaking out:
"Seriously, 'trash'??? Do you know who you work for, defend, and celebrate and the things he has said and done over the last year, over the last ten years, in his life? Come on. Have some integrity."
Unbelievable. In Monday's "The Slut-Shaming of Nikki Haley," The New York Timespointed out the double standard of the Left:
"A prominent Republican woman is smeared. The author who does the smearing is celebrated by all the A-listers, including the most prominent Democratic woman in the country, who herself has a history of giving a pass (or worse) to men accused of sexual assault and harassment. And yet the arbiters of American culture cheer the Democrat and, in the words of the actor Don Cheadle, tell the Republican who has the gall to defend herself: ‘Sit down, girl. You’re drunk.’"
It is, rather, the Democrats who are drunk -- on Kool-Aid.

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