NYT Op-Ed: Trump Can Only Become ‘Presidential’ if He Stops Being President
"All he has to do is apologize to his fellow Americans for the shame he’s brought upon this country, and resign effective immediately."

The New York Times published a piece today by Michelle Goldberg, making clear her thoughts on America's President. Her bottom line? Trump's only hope of being presidential relies upon his resignation.
In "Please Don't Call Him Presidential" -- a reference to the President's State of the Union this evening -- Goldberg condemned media who called Trump "presidential" following his joint speech before Congress in 2017. Furthermore, she inexplicably "begged" media outlets to knock off their praise for the President:
“I’m begging my fellow pundits not to get too excited should Trump manage to read from a teleprompter without foaming at the mouth or saying anything overtly racist."
One can hardly imagine The New York Times printing anything so critical of Obama.
Goldberg has a novel recipe for Trump's victory over his critics -- admit that he is a shame to our nation, and step down from the highest office in the land -- the office to which America elected him:
"The president can surprise those who think the worst of him, and prove that he’s been underestimated. All he has to do is apologize to his fellow Americans for the shame he’s brought upon this country, and resign effective immediately."
Moreover, Goldberg claims that his plight is hopeless -- "no matter" what, he "will not become presidential":
"No matter how well Trump delivers the lines in his State of the Union — announced theme: 'Building a safe, strong and proud America' — he will not become presidential."
It's so gracious of Goldberg -- who is a blogger and author -- to explain to us what "presidential" actually means, and to let us know that Donald Trump -- a man smart enough to build a billion-dollar empire -- doesn't measure up to her personal standard.
Goldberg also apparently considers herself quite prescient:
"There will be no turning of corners or uniting the country. At best, Trump will succeed in impersonating a minimally competent leader for roughly the length of an episode of The Apprentice. And if he does, recent history suggests that he will be praised as the second coming of Lincoln."
What "recent history"? He will be praised? By whom? The left-wing media that hates him? The leftist celebrities who despise him?
Goldberg clearly has a perception problem. On MSNBC's Hardball in October, she said:
“Even Nixon in his darkest days was not as erratic, unstable and didn't pose as much as a danger to his country as Trump poses."
A danger? Yes, according to Goldberg. In fact, in February of 2016, she claimed that "megalomaniac, unstable demagogue" Trump would be mandating "forced childbirth."
Why would The New York Times allow someone this "unstable" to write a column? Her article should be titled "Please Don't Call Her Rational."