NFL Anthem Protester's Book: 'Things That Make White People Uncomfortable'
Bring on the XFL.

Guaranteed to deliver another painful hit to the NFL's dwindling fan base, one of the most prominent national anthem protesters in the league is publishing a new book, Things that Make White People Uncomfortable. Smart choice for a title.
Breitbart reports that the book from Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett will be available in April, published by Haymarket Books. Bennett's co-author (and by "co-author" we mean the actual writer) Dave Zirin, sports editor for The Nation, describes Bennett as “an outspoken proponent for social justice and a man without a censor.”
In other words, a loudmouth race-baiter -- not an author or book likely to bring any fans back to the fold who have been driven away from the NFL by its relentless, stupid politicization of the game.
Breitbart notes that Bennett is one of the league’s "most persistent" anthem protesters and devotes a great deal of "time, money, and effort pushing social justice causes." You may remember that he attempted to accuse the Las Vegas Police Department of racial profiling despite video evidence that clearly disproved his charges.
Speaking about the book, Bennett tried to downplay the obvious racism in its sensationalistic title (imagine if a white player titled a book Things That Make Black People Uncomfortable). “I think the title is a just a title to start a conversation so people want to read. I think the book I’m focusing on is issues that I see that are important in America, and that are my view."
You know what's not important in America, Michael? A racist, unpatriotic football player's views on anything.
It should come as no surprise that, according to Breitbart, the book has a blurb from John Carlos, one of the medalists from the 1968 Olympics who infamously raised a black power fist during the playing of the American national anthem. The blurb reads, “This book doesn’t only explain the roots of Michael Bennett’s courage. It will inspire the people who read it to conquer their fears and fight for what’s right.”
The fans don't care what you think either, John.
“This is my story, this is my journey, my thoughts on sports, my thoughts on issues in America, my thoughts on women’s equality – different issues like that,” Bennett continued. “I think when people think about writers as an athlete, they think about you writing a story about your sports journey, but mine is more of a reflection of America and its past and its time.”
Americans don't care, Michael. You're a race-baiting liar.