Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Gary Sinise ‘Outraged’ by Anti-Military School Teacher: ‘Such Stupidity, Ignorance’

Does he not realize his freedom to say such drivel was won by our military?

Pro-military actor Gary Sinise is not happy that high school students in California are being taught by a man who was caught on video during a classroom rant hurling vicious insults at members of the armed forces.
As TruthRevolt previously reported, El Rancho High School history teacher Gregory Salcido began his tirade after seeing a student wearing a Marines sweatshirt. He slammed the military, saying, “Think about the people you know who are over there. Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb sh*ts. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people. They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.”
After Sinise caught wind of Salcido’s hideous remarks, he called out the teacher on Twitter:
But it was clear this bothered Sinise to the core and so, he logged back on:

Not only do the teacher's words fracture the spirit of those who sacrificed their safety to insure people like Salcido keep the right to be the real dumb sh*ts, but it's also offensive to folks like Sinise, who does so much for our military veterans through his Gary Sinise Foundation, which helps wounded heroes.
The silver lining is that a 17-year-old kid thought to hit "record" on his cell phone and capture what so many children are exposed to on a daily basis in public schools.
Photo by Kenny Holston 21 on / CC BY-ND

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