Michael Moore: We Must Remove White ‘Culture that Gave Us Trump’
He wants a "cleanse" but not of his digestive system.

The People’s State of the Union happened last night. What’s that, you say? Basically, it was an anti-Trump celebrity whine-fest to preempt President Trump’s Tuesday State of the Union speech. It prominently featured the not-so-incredible Hulk, Mark Ruffalo, and leftist blowhard Michael Moore. They wanted to give their perspective of the state of our union from a “more populist point of view.” Apparently, their point of view involves cleansing the United States from the scourge of the white race.
That seems to be Moore’s American dream, in fact. Not only does he want to see Trump removed from office but the “culture that gave us Trump in the first place.” The first step in undoing that is to “cleanse our American soul of its white male privilege:”
“But removing him — and Pence — and the whole disgusting lot of them in Congress and in our state capitals, still won’t be enough. We must remove and replace the system and the culture that gave us Trump in the first place. He did not just fall out of the sky and land in Queens. He is the result of a decades-long corporate takeover of our democracy, and of us; never correcting the three original sins of America: a nation founded on genocide, built on the backs of slaves, and maintained through the subjugation of women to second class citizenship and economic disempowerment. That’s how they’ve gotten away with it.“As we seek to rid ourselves of Trump, we must also cleanse our American soul of its white male privilege, its voracious greed, and its enforced ignorance that has made a population of semiliterate and unaware people.”
Watch below:
The general consensus online to the anti-American documentary filmmaker wanting the U.S. cleansed of white males begged for the exodus to begin with Moore himself: