Palestinian children taught weekly
to "follow the example" of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad
who is "a symbol," on official PA TV
by Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus
The opening of the weekly 10 minute program, which has been broadcast twice so far, shows a cube with photos of six different Palestinian personalities. One of them is terrorist Abu Jihad, who orchestrated numerous terror attacks against Israelis, among them the most lethal attack in Israel's history - the Coastal Road Massacre - in which Palestinian terrorists hijacked a bus and murdered 37 civilians, among them 12 children.
Also included among the six personalities promoted to kids is Ghassan Kanafani - a writer and a leader of the terror organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
In each episode, a young PA TV host emphasizes that the program is about "our country," stressing that its beauty "is reflected by great personalities who have given and are giving much to the homeland." Presumably the six people from the opening are among these "great personalities":
Young PA TV host: "Hello my dear friends and welcome to the program From My Country. You certainly know how beautiful our country is: its villages, cities, historical, religious, archaeological, and tourist sites. The most beautiful thing is that all of this beauty of our country is reflected by great personalities who have given and are giving much to the homeland, whether in the political, literary, artistic, or scientific struggle."
At the end of both episodes, PA TV narrators taught Palestinian kids that they should "follow the example of these symbols":
Young PA TV host: "The prominent personalities struggled by way of pens, paintbrushes, words, weapons, and knowledge... To express our appreciation and follow the example of these symbols, let us always keep them in our memories."
[Official PA TV, From My Country, Jan. 20, 2018]
Each episode of From My Country is about a specific famous Palestinian personality and the town or city in "Palestine" in which that person was born. The other "symbols" included in the opening of the new PA TV children's program are current PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Safed), former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat (Gaza), the Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish (Al-Birweh), and female singer Rim Banna (Nazareth). The opening lists the birth place of Abu Jihad as Ramle and Kanafani's as Acre.
PA Chairman Abbas and his birthplace Safed were the subject of the first episode. The second episode was about the late Palestinian cartoonist Naji Al-Ali and the village where he was born, Al-Shajara.