Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The 01/31/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest: Please use this link to forward to a friend (we really appreciate it)

The 01/31/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Philadelphia: Driver who tried to hit pedestrian, then attacked officer identified as Muslim named Khalil Lawal
By Robert Spencer on Jan 30, 2018 04:14 pm

Philadelphia: Driver who tried to hit pedestrian, then attacked officer identified as Muslim named Khalil Lawal
The driver was “Khalil Lawal, 31, of Arlington, Virginia.” Khalil Lawal of Arlington, Virginia, 31, has a Facebook page (doubtless it will soon be taken down). He is a member of the group Jannah Al-Firdaus, which says: “Jannah [Paradise] is my Goal My happiness is my Imaan [faith] and my Imaan [faith] is in my […]

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Sweden: Truck jihadi wanted to “create fear in the population” and “run over unbelievers”
By Robert Spencer on Jan 30, 2018 02:59 pm

Sweden: Truck jihadi wanted to “create fear in the population” and “run over unbelievers”
“And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you strike fear in the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know, whom Allah knows.” (Qur’an 8:60) “Sweden charges man with terrorism over hijacked truck attack,” DW, January 30, 2018 […]

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