Tuesday, January 30, 2018

WHO'S FOR YOU at the TRANSITIONS of Life? | SEASONS of CHANGE from Japan...

Steve Cioccolanti shares a pastoral message from Japan that will help you navigate through the seasons of change in life. He explains why everyone needs a pastor and why YouTube has become a place where many people turn to.

CHANGE series (2 DVDs or CDs): https://discover.org.au/bookshop/dvd-...
* Change: Strategies to Navigate through Seasons of Transition
* What My Mother Taught Me: About Seasons of Life

7 KEYS to Your Money & Marriage (DVDs or MP4s): https://discover.org.au/bookshop/inde...

We are creating an END TIME NETWORK, an online community and members' club for like-minded believers. You can join this online community now.


1) SUBSCRIBE to our friends’ list. This ensures you don’t miss communication from us even if our videos or other social media become censored. http://www.discover.org.au/subscribe

2) TITHE and OFFER. Some Christians have been mistaught that tithing is not found in the New Testament, which is a false doctrine according to Luke 11:42 and Hebrews 7:8. God says tithes (10% of our income) are His and must be returned to our local church. If you reside in a geographical location without a Bible-teaching church, you may treat Discover Church as your virtual online church.

Beyond the tithe, you can sow offerings to any ministry that feeds you according to Galatians 6:6. Offerings can be any amount. Pastor Steve believes the $58 seed is prophetic. He has announced a clean social media project for protecting conservative and Christian voices; the kick-start fund for this is US$25,000. Contribute via: http://www.discover.org.au/give

3) PRAY with and for Discover Ministries (Colossians 4:3, 2 Corinthians 1:11). We can do impossible things by the power of prayer. Pastor Steve composed some model prayers you can download and use each day: http://www.discover.org.au/pray

4) SHARE JESUS with your family and friends. YouTube links are an easy way. Books and DVDs are also effective, as you have found out by watching. Keep sharing them. Before giving Christian books or videos, Pastor Steve recommends you first pray in faith for the person you want to be saved. If you are not sure how, please refer to the prayer called “6 Steps” at link above.

Would you like to connect by email?

Would you like to connect by social media?
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/steveciocco...
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/discovermini...
TWITTER https://twitter.com/cioccolanti
NEWSWARS http://newswars.com.au
BLOG http://cioccolanti.org

Would you like to move from being a CONsumer to a PROsumer? Contribute more to missions: http://www.discover.org.au/GIVE

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