Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The 04/30/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest: Please use this link to forward to a friend (we really appreciate it),

The 04/30/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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U.S. Catholic bishops to Americans: Drop dead
By Robert Spencer on Apr 29, 2018 05:00 pm

U.S. Catholic bishops to Americans: Drop dead
As Jihad Watch reported Saturday, “The U.S. Catholic bishops submitted a brief to the Supreme Court declaring that President Donald Trump’s ban on migration from five Muslim countries was ‘blatant religious discrimination.'” Is it really? And do the U.S. Catholic bishops feel any obligation to support measures that would protect Americans from jihad attacks? Apparently […]

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Muslim preacher says Muslims will go to hell for buying from Starbucks because it supports LGBT community
By Robert Spencer on Apr 29, 2018 04:30 pm

Muslim preacher says Muslims will go to hell for buying from Starbucks because it supports LGBT community
But…but…Pat Robertson! What will the “Queers Against Islamophobia” crowd make of this? Nothing, of course. They’ll just ignore it. “Muslims buying from Starbucks will go to hell, says popular preacher,” Jakarta Post, April 28, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): A popular preacher is under fire on Twitter for saying Muslims who buy from Starbucks will go to […]

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ADL smears Canary Mission as “Islamophobic” for exposing Islamic anti-Semitism
By Robert Spencer on Apr 29, 2018 03:30 pm

ADL smears Canary Mission as “Islamophobic” for exposing Islamic anti-Semitism
Canary Mission, an estimable group, is not the first supporter of Israel to be smeared by the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL has likewise defamed Pamela Geller and me for standing against jihad terror and Sharia oppression. The ADL has also libeled the preeminent lawyer and orthodox Jew David Yerushalmi as an “extremist,” an “anti-Muslim bigot” […]

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UK: Victim of Muslim rape gang raped by 70 men by age 13; authorities did nothing for fear of “Islamophobia” charges
By Robert Spencer on Apr 29, 2018 02:30 pm

UK: Victim of Muslim rape gang raped by 70 men by age 13; authorities did nothing for fear of “Islamophobia” charges
UK: Muslim grandfather ran pedophile rape house in Telford, police neglected evidence UK: Whistleblowers on Muslim rape gangs in Telford were punished, silenced, and fired from their jobs UK: Prosecutors said they couldn’t prosecute Telford Muslim rape gang because 13-year-old girl consented to sex Why? For fear of being called “racist” and “Islamophobic.” The British […]

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Georgia: “Islamophobia” charged in police killing of Muslim migrant who refused to drop knife even after being tased
By Robert Spencer on Apr 29, 2018 01:30 pm

Georgia: “Islamophobia” charged in police killing of Muslim migrant who refused to drop knife even after being tased
“Shukri Ali Said, 36, was killed by police, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, when she refused to relinquish a knife she was allegedly brandishing, even after being Tased….Byers said Said had a knife when officers encountered her. Byers said an altercation occurred at that point, which resulted in officers firing at the woman, […]

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The Curious Case of Mubin Shaikh, the “Undercover Jihadi” (Part 3)
By Saleem Smith on Apr 29, 2018 01:00 pm

The Curious Case of Mubin Shaikh, the “Undercover Jihadi” (Part 3)
I am a Canadian ex-Muslim; I converted to Islam and stayed in the religion for approximately four years, before leaving it due to disbelief and moral disgust. Now I live every day with Islam’s formal and informal death penalty for apostasy, hoping that my former Muslim friends don’t recognize me on the street. In Part […]

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Al-Azhar enraged by French call to purge Qur’an of anti-Semitism, charges “Islamophobia”
By Robert Spencer on Apr 29, 2018 12:30 pm

Al-Azhar enraged by French call to purge Qur’an of anti-Semitism, charges “Islamophobia”
The Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the well-being of the Muslims. They are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); they love to listen to […]

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Hugh Fitzgerald: In Defense of Tariq Ramadan, Hatem Bazian Tries to Write English
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Apr 29, 2018 11:30 am

Hugh Fitzgerald: In Defense of Tariq Ramadan, Hatem Bazian Tries to Write English
Here is an article by a certain Hatem Bazian on the victimization of Professor Tariq Ramadan, a “towering intellect” and “foremost Islamic scholar” who, Dr. Bazian claims, is being treated with monumental unfairness by the French justice system just because he is a Muslim. But before getting to that article, it helps to know a […]

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Jews, Christians and Muslims Gather in Maryland Episcopal Church to Hate Israel
By Andrew Harrod on Apr 29, 2018 10:30 am

Jews, Christians and Muslims Gather in Maryland Episcopal Church to Hate Israel
Zionism is like cancer and an “obscenity of Judaism and the Christian religion,” stated a female audience member during a March 11 film screening event at Bethesda, Maryland’s St. John’s Norwood Episcopal Church. Her comments typified the sentiments of this year’s Voices from the Holy Land film series (VFHL), an annual series bringing together rabid […]

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Pope Francis: “Do we really want peace? Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war.”
By Robert Spencer on Apr 29, 2018 09:30 am

Pope Francis: “Do we really want peace? Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war.”
Do we really want peace? Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war. — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) April 29, 2018 Ban all weapons? Kitchen knives? Rocks? Automobiles? Does the Pope want us to live in the Stone Age? No, stones will be banned. What he is actually advocating […]

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The Religion of Peace is In Fact the Religion of Blood
By Amil Imani on Apr 29, 2018 08:30 am

The Religion of Peace is In Fact the Religion of Blood
To propose that the solution to Muslim killings of non-combatant civilians rests with Muslim leaders declaring anyone who does such a thing will go to hell is a product of a delusional mind or the fantasy of an ignorant naive dreamer who is unfamiliar with the fundamental bases of Islamic violence. Here are a few […]

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Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Carter Center Sued for Providing Support to Hamas
By Robert Spencer on Apr 29, 2018 07:30 am

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Carter Center Sued for Providing Support to Hamas
Jimmy Carter’s unstinting hatred for Israel paved the way. My latest in FrontPage: The Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that the Zionist Advocacy Center is alleging in a suit that former President Jimmy Carter’s nonprofit organization, the Carter Center, “has used taxpayer funding to provide material support to international terrorist groups, including Hamas.” Given Carter’s […]

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