The son of a chief rabbi of the Netherlands and his family were accosted on the street by people he said intimidated the family, shouting at them “cancer Jews.”
The jihadis are inspired by the Quran and cite it chapter and verse. No one takes issue with that. But when we point that out, we are smeared, defamed and slandered.
Once again, borders take front and center, as an illegal alien working as a waiter in Michigan is arrested and charged with killing a teenage boy who was riding his bike.
The Portland Police Department’s first Somali police officer resigned Sunday before the department could complete an internal affairs investigation prompted by her arrest at a Massachusetts nightclub in January.
"I understand the organisers expecting us to wear our National Team Dress or Formals or Sporting attire for our games during official championships, but surely there is no place for an enforceable religious dress code in Sports."
The same FBI agent who had questioned Hillary Clinton about her email server scandal was actually calling her "the president" four days earlier, and four months before the election. Conflict of interest, anyone?