Thursday, November 1, 2018

November 1st, 2018
Harry Reid Furiously Backpedals After Trump Tweets 1993 Anchor Baby "Mistake"
Former Nevada Democratic Senator Harry Reid said that comments he made in 1993 over birthright citizenship were a "mistake," after  Read More ›
Harvard University is in process of patenting it....
Once patented, prices could go much higher, so check it out now. Doctors are raving about it being the next big breakthrough for weight loss... Read More ›
Veritas Bombshell: Gillum Staffer Admits Candidate Far-Left, Says Florida A ‘F***ed Up’ ‘Cracker State’
Staffers for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum revealed he’s hiding his gun control agenda until after the midterms Read More ›
CNN's Don Lemon: Stop Demonizing People, And Also White Men Are Terrorists
CNN’s Don Lemon called for Americans to stop demonizing any one group of people on Monday, before immediately saying that white men are terrorists. Read More ›
Kavanaugh Declines $600K GoFundMe While His Accuser Walks With Over $1 Million, Book Offers
Brett Kavanaugh - considered to be the poorest Supreme Court  Read More ›
Russia Eyeing Military Base In Cuba As US Prepares To Leave Nuclear Missile Deal
A senior Russian official proposed that his country is seriously considering establishing a military base in Cuba in response to Trump’s plan to quit the INF treaty Read More ›
‘Trump ain’t playin’: Video Shows Hundreds of Military Vehicles Being Shipped to Border
A video posted to Twitter Tuesday showed a shipment of hundreds of military vehicles reportedly being sent to the US border in anticipation of a showdown with the migrant caravan  Read More ›
Get This Military Grade 1200 Lumens Headlight - 75% Off Discount, Plus Free Shipping
Trusted by Military, Police, First Responders and Firefighters across the globe - Feel secure knowing you have the ultimate survival tool in your possession Read More ›


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