Friday, November 1, 2019

The Unholy Alliance of the Hate-America Left

Omar and Sanders unite at the site of SJP’s National Conference.

By an odd coincidence—or maybe not—the University of Minnesota is playing host to two disturbing events this weekend. The Hamas-funded anti-Israel campus hate group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) will hold its national conference on November 1-3 on Minnesota’s campus. Then, just as SJP’s hate fest is winding down, notorious Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, whose district includes the University of Minnesota, will hold a campaign rally on campus with democratic presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, whose candidacy for president she recently endorsed.
A lifelong supporter of communist dictatorships and causes, Bernie is known for his radical proposals to drastically increase taxes on the wealthy and to impose strict—and economically devastating—limits to carbon emissions. Less well known are Bernie’s views on Israel and his record of supporting aid for Israel’s terrorist adversaries. 

A Jew by birth, Sanders has long claimed to support Israel and even lived on a kibbutz near Haifa for several months as a young man in the 1960’s. In a 2017 speech at the organization J Street, Sanders lauded the idea of a Jewish homeland while still echoing Hamas genocidal talking points regarding Israel’s alleged “fifty-year long occupation” of Palestinian land and “displacement” of the Palestinian people.  And he has blasted the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “racist.” 

Sanders recently supported using U.S. aid to Israel as “leverage” to demand changes in Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians.  “My solution is, [to say] to Israel, if you want military aid, you’re going to have to fundamentally change your relationship to the people of Gaza. I would say that some of that $3.8 billion should go right now to humanitarian aid in Gaza,” Sanders declared.

Gaza, of course, has been governed since 2007 by Hamas terrorists who have promised to “raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine,” and who call for the genocide of the Jews in their founding charter. In giving funds designated for Israel to Gaza, Sanders would be funding the destruction of the Jewish state. As Israel National News pointedly noted, “Hamas has taken most of the aid monies it receives to strengthen its fighting capability.” 

Rep. Ilhan Omar has made no secret of her hatred for the Jewish state. In a 2012 tweet, which she has repeatedly defended, Omar declared “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” More recently in February 2019, Omar ignited a firestorm by tweeting “It’s all about the Benjamins [$100 bills], baby,” accusing the pro-Israel organization AIPAC of paying politicians to take favorable policy positions on Israel. Omar is a supporter of the Hamas-funded Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel and her congressional campaign was strongly supported by the Hamas-created Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which held several fundraising events on her behalf.
So what brings together the incendiary socialist presidential candidate and the radical Islamic Jew-hating congresswoman? Is it mere coincidence that their rally is planned for the conclusion of SJP’s infamous national conference? 

In his 2004 book Unholy Alliance, Freedom Center founder David Horowitz traced the origins of the left’s Faustian bargain with Islamic radicals to a shared hatred of America and its founding principles and a fervent belief in the possibility of a utopia that can transcend national borders and even human nature.

In the decade-and-a-half since its publication, this prescient work has been borne out again and again as the progressive left and the forces of Islamic jihad, enter into ever greater collaboration to achieve an unholy synergy of America-hating, Israel-hating, capitalism-hating radicalism. By allying themselves with Islamic jihadists, the left has abandoned all pretense of caring about the individual rights it claims to hold sacred such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the equality of men and women in subservience to the larger goals of revolution and destroying the existing order. The ends justify the means.

So it hardly seems coincidental that Congresswoman Omar and Senator Sanders have timed their campus visit to coincide with the concluding ceremonies of SJP’s festival of Jew-hatred. Sanders’s brand of socialism and Omar’s allegiance to Islamic extremism both have at their core a deep and abiding hatred of America—of its freedoms, of its possibilities, of its commitment to individual liberty over collectivist tyranny. Their hatred may be irrational, but their alliance is logical and calculated.
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