Evening News

APRIL 25, 2022
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
Diane • an hour ago I attended Our Lady of Good Counsel Highschool in Illinois. It was run by Felicine Sisters who were also the Nuns who were in the Vatican in service to the Popes. Very tough nuns! I know, a worthless piece of information!
Clayton Lee • 2 hours ago There was an omission in the report of the Red Rose Rescue. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) it was inspired by the rescues that Mary Wagner did up in Canada. She would go to a killing centre armed with red roses and information and talk to the women in the waiting rooms until arrested. She has spent the equivalent of probably 4 or 5 years in jail. I consider Mary a Saint.
Hunter_2 • 4 hours ago "You will know them by their fruits." I guess Bergoglio forgot about that axiom since his close friends seem to be nothing but the rotten apples that spoil the entire barrel.
Architect • 10 hours ago Elon will gain morally and financially if he restores ASAP all the prominent cancelled Twitter accounts, starting with President Trump's.
Architect • 10 hours ago I'm really glad that Scicluna is out of circulation. It's great news!
The Lord truly works in mysterious ways.
Cupich and a few others still to go.
Susan Abdallah • 10 hours ago God bless our fearsome fighters for the Catholic truth!. Thank you for courageous, bold reporting. For sure, best reporters in the world, and your CM associates. You are in my prayers.
6Hakiahakai • 11 hours ago It was such a pleasure to see all four of you doing the news - You made an XLNT job of it. You're young & energetic with such vital faith and no hint of apology to the bent world who might protest their feelings were hurt🤪 Keep it up!❤
Teresa Coles • 11 hours ago It is wonderful to see 4 young people discussing the Faith and the problems that the church is facing at the present time..Many Blessings to you all from New Zealand.
nancyveronica • 13 hours ago Thanks for the news. BUT, PLEASE, stop calling it "abortion". It is pre-born baby murder. I am telling you, after these too many years of legalization of killing our children, it ain't going to change because we have become desensitized to it. Abortion, in the medical sense, is termination of a pregnancy, which includes miscarriage. Ask any grieving parent - it is not the same as the decision to kill your baby.
Call it for what it is: pre-born baby murder.
Michelle Campbell nancyveronica • 13 hours ago I'm with you.
I had five miscarriages, also known as 'spontaneous abortions' that were painful, the loss devastating. One of them nearly ended my life.
I named them all....
I call this 'family members killing each other' because that's what it is.
And it's horrible the father is left out.
I know there are so many variables but bringing forth a new life is an awesome responsibility.
This country has gone nuts, placing 'infanticide' at a premium now...to do the unthinkable???
God, help us. 🙏🇺🇸🙏
Meg • 14 hours ago You young people give us all great hope for the future of America and of the Church. Never back down, Keep the faith!
Jeanne L • 14 hours ago If Francis was super faithful and also had a known respect for God creation and environmental issues it would be more convincing.
Diane • an hour ago I attended Our Lady of Good Counsel Highschool in Illinois. It was run by Felicine Sisters who were also the Nuns who were in the Vatican in service to the Popes. Very tough nuns! I know, a worthless piece of information!
Clayton Lee • 2 hours ago There was an omission in the report of the Red Rose Rescue. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) it was inspired by the rescues that Mary Wagner did up in Canada. She would go to a killing centre armed with red roses and information and talk to the women in the waiting rooms until arrested. She has spent the equivalent of probably 4 or 5 years in jail. I consider Mary a Saint.
Hunter_2 • 4 hours ago "You will know them by their fruits." I guess Bergoglio forgot about that axiom since his close friends seem to be nothing but the rotten apples that spoil the entire barrel.
Architect • 10 hours ago Elon will gain morally and financially if he restores ASAP all the prominent cancelled Twitter accounts, starting with President Trump's.
Architect • 10 hours ago I'm really glad that Scicluna is out of circulation. It's great news!
The Lord truly works in mysterious ways.
Cupich and a few others still to go.Susan Abdallah • 10 hours ago God bless our fearsome fighters for the Catholic truth!. Thank you for courageous, bold reporting. For sure, best reporters in the world, and your CM associates. You are in my prayers.
6Hakiahakai • 11 hours ago It was such a pleasure to see all four of you doing the news - You made an XLNT job of it. You're young & energetic with such vital faith and no hint of apology to the bent world who might protest their feelings were hurt🤪 Keep it up!❤
Teresa Coles • 11 hours ago It is wonderful to see 4 young people discussing the Faith and the problems that the church is facing at the present time..Many Blessings to you all from New Zealand.
nancyveronica • 13 hours ago Thanks for the news. BUT, PLEASE, stop calling it "abortion". It is pre-born baby murder. I am telling you, after these too many years of legalization of killing our children, it ain't going to change because we have become desensitized to it. Abortion, in the medical sense, is termination of a pregnancy, which includes miscarriage. Ask any grieving parent - it is not the same as the decision to kill your baby.
Call it for what it is: pre-born baby murder.Michelle Campbell nancyveronica • 13 hours ago I'm with you.
I had five miscarriages, also known as 'spontaneous abortions' that were painful, the loss devastating. One of them nearly ended my life.
I named them all....
I call this 'family members killing each other' because that's what it is.
And it's horrible the father is left out.
I know there are so many variables but bringing forth a new life is an awesome responsibility.
This country has gone nuts, placing 'infanticide' at a premium now...to do the unthinkable???
God, help us. 🙏🇺🇸🙏
Meg • 14 hours ago You young people give us all great hope for the future of America and of the Church. Never back down, Keep the faith!
Jeanne L • 14 hours ago If Francis was super faithful and also had a known respect for God creation and environmental issues it would be more convincing.