the Vortex

'And gave them power and authority.'
April 22, 2022 20 CommentsToday's Vortex is a talk Michael Voris gave at this year's Retreat on Land.
StBridget • 3 days ago + Great breakdown and analysis of death and how the Apostles reacted.
Thanks Michael!
Fr. Walter Pasicznyk • 4 days ago Just a little correction, the guard at the tomb were Jews, not Romans. We know from Saint Matthews account. Matthew 27: 62-66. The chief priests go to Pilate and ask Pilate to set a guard. Pilate tells the chief priests, "You have your guard. Go and make it as secure as you are able." The chief priests then were going to aid the temple guard in their failure with the rest of the temple priests.
Pilate didn't care if a tomb was guarded or not. He's not going to waste Roman money on a Jew's funeral.
Blobee Fr. Walter Pasicznyk • 12 hours ago • edited I understand what you are saying Father, and I believe you, but there is a depiction of the Resurrection in the apse of the parish church I attend (St. John Cantius in Chicago), which was built in about 1898, of the Resurrection, and the men being dazzled by Him are dressed in Roman type garb, having swords and Roman type helmets, tunics that look like skirts, and shields. So this seems to be a common misconception. And there are those who point out the word used in scripture of these men is "soldier," and implies they were Roman soldiers, not the Jewish men who could probably only act as guards, not armed soldiers.
Robbi Fr. Walter Pasicznyk • 3 days ago Have read this section many times and didn't grasp this fact. Thank-you for this perception. Seems doubtful Pilate would have cared less about the claim of Jesus Resurrection. It isn't clear about the Jewish Authority being SUSPECT TO JESUS REALLY BEING THE MESSIAH CAPABLE OF RISING FROM THE DEAD or to fear the body to be stolen while supporters of Jesus claim Jesus rose for sinister purposes.
CG1066 • 4 days ago • edited Am I "weird" that I still feel connected (MV stated regarding that "soul" connection at death) to my Mom who passed away a few weeks ago? I even find wearing her engagement ring uplifts/connects me. It's as if her love continues....
Blobee CG1066 • 11 hours ago Oh no. That is so, so common. It takes a while (there's a lot to be said for the "year of mourning" period they used to just assume) to adjust to such a significant person to not be there anymore. It's also very common to want something personal of theirs to hold on to, to carry, to wear, and it seems comforting.
The best thing you can do is pray for her every day, that she enter into God's glory, and find the eternal peace.
My mom's been gone seven years now, and I still miss her every day.
Robbi CG1066 • 3 days ago • edited You're supposed to feel 'soul connected' to your Mom through her ring...There's no doubt she's still alive in the next dimension and is with you in spirit for your benefit.
A Priest once shared with me about those dying having the benefit of choice to remain as a spirit in the world for a time following death to comfort loved ones. There's no doubt events will happen and random words and phrases are going to be used to bring your Mom to mind by people not even knowing her...
My Grandfather used to give dimes to me since he knew I liked them as a little girl and after 30 years I find them lying around everywhere all the time...I have jars of dimes. Lots of related objects and events related to loved ones who are dead pop-up for many people and it really is as though it's a way to remind us of God's blessings of love he gave us as gifts in our lives.
Robbi CG1066 • 2 days ago Your loss is a loss for everyone...Those of us losing our Mothers know exactly what an irreplaceable one it is. The bond is so extreme from actually sharing a body; it's never fully gone.
Michelle Campbell CG1066 • 4 days ago It does, absolutely.
At times l wear my Grandmother's wedding ring, a 'princess cut' or something like that, the name escapes me. Was at lunch years ago at the Harris Ranch
near Coalinga here in California, beautiful place with a hotel, very busy and the waitress was wearing a near copy of my Grandmother's ring with its cluster of diamonds. I was delighted to see another one! 💍💍
JohnJoseph CG1066 • 4 days ago • edited She passed a few weeks ago! Good heavens! I'm so sorry to hear that! My mom passed 11 years ago and I feel like it was yesterday! Still feeling sad!
Michelle Campbell • 4 days ago 'God love you all. Happy Easter'. 💐💒💐✝️💐
Indeed. Such substance concerning the events after the Resurrection of Our Lord!
Jesus had much to do: Rising from the dead, appearing to His Beloved Mother,
appearing to St Mary Magdelene, His Father in heaven, the disciples at Emmaus,
His Apostles and the task of convincing them they weren't seeing a ghost.
Let's suppose Our Lord relished eating that piece of broiled fish and honeycomb.
Did the Apostles enjoy dinner with Him?
And then He did so many unrecorded miracles that St John said all the books of the world could not contain them....
Is Our Lord working still? After all He had been through on earth as the God-Man,
yes, oh yes, He is still at it.
He left His saving authority with His chosen men to go and preach the 'Good News' to the ends of the earth, baptizing, forgiving sins and much more.
Faith. Now that was in short supply yet He shored it up on earth telling His Apostles, His Catholic Bishops that He would send them the Comforter after His Ascension.
Pentecost is beautiful. Those red vestments that represent 'fire' as well as martyrdom.
The paintings of Mary and the Apostles receiving the 'tongues of fire' is inspirational giving them strength to preach and comfort.
Yes, Jesus works and He works still, finding the lost sheep.
We only have to say the words for example, 'Jesus, what would you have me do in this life' not once, but twice on a tear stained pillow in the night.
That happened.
Praise God for His Mercy, for His Mercy endures forever.
Will Faith, the Deposit of Faith return to the hundreds of USCCB members?
Pray for their Purification...or...Eradication.
April 22 Easter Friday Feastday: Sts Epipodius & Alexander (326) Ms., Epipodius,
Pt. of victims of betrayal & torture (Hist.) 💐✝️✝️💐
see moreCG1066 Michelle Campbell • 4 days ago • edited He's such a humble man, as an example, I said those exact words but I stated, "love you all, Happy Easter" ...He puts "God" in front of same statement. Learning more than you know from MV and CM. May God bless him and CM abundantly.
Michelle Campbell CG1066 • 4 days ago Yes, dear Michael echoes the words of Ven Archbishop Sheen which l loved watching with Sheen's videos from the 1950's on.
"God love you". Simple, humble and to the point.
Michael is St John the Baptist, St Gabriel, St Michael and Jeremiah, Isaiah
all wrapped up in these last days...oh, the Holy Ghost speaks through him as can tell when he pauses....
The fact that he has traveled soooo...extensively all over the world when invited is if Our Lord sends him to shore up and reel in the Faithful to assist in purifying His Suffering Church.
These satanic sodomites can't hide anymore and we can't be blinded about this. These EVIL MEN...McCarrick, Dearden, Whurl and the rest.
Sodomic acts call up devils. ENOUGH!!!
Oh my, I'm typing this while listening to Handel's "Messiah" where the choir is singing..."And He shall purify the Sons of Levi that they may all come unto the Lord an offering in righteousness"!
WOW! How we love Emmanuel, "God with us".
Makes me miss singing in choirs...loved it. I could hit the 'high C' and beyond occasionally. Handel's "Messiah"...such perfection along with
Beethoven's "Hallelujah, from the Mount of Olives". The UCLA symphony
and choir do that beautifully! I'm singing! 💐💒💐🐑💐
CG1066 Michelle Campbell • 4 days ago Not coincidence but prophetic regarding what that choir was singing at the exact moment....
StBridget • 3 days ago + Great breakdown and analysis of death and how the Apostles reacted.
Thanks Michael!Fr. Walter Pasicznyk • 4 days ago Just a little correction, the guard at the tomb were Jews, not Romans. We know from Saint Matthews account. Matthew 27: 62-66. The chief priests go to Pilate and ask Pilate to set a guard. Pilate tells the chief priests, "You have your guard. Go and make it as secure as you are able." The chief priests then were going to aid the temple guard in their failure with the rest of the temple priests.
Pilate didn't care if a tomb was guarded or not. He's not going to waste Roman money on a Jew's funeral.
Blobee Fr. Walter Pasicznyk • 12 hours ago • edited I understand what you are saying Father, and I believe you, but there is a depiction of the Resurrection in the apse of the parish church I attend (St. John Cantius in Chicago), which was built in about 1898, of the Resurrection, and the men being dazzled by Him are dressed in Roman type garb, having swords and Roman type helmets, tunics that look like skirts, and shields. So this seems to be a common misconception. And there are those who point out the word used in scripture of these men is "soldier," and implies they were Roman soldiers, not the Jewish men who could probably only act as guards, not armed soldiers.
Robbi Fr. Walter Pasicznyk • 3 days ago Have read this section many times and didn't grasp this fact. Thank-you for this perception. Seems doubtful Pilate would have cared less about the claim of Jesus Resurrection. It isn't clear about the Jewish Authority being SUSPECT TO JESUS REALLY BEING THE MESSIAH CAPABLE OF RISING FROM THE DEAD or to fear the body to be stolen while supporters of Jesus claim Jesus rose for sinister purposes.
CG1066 • 4 days ago • edited Am I "weird" that I still feel connected (MV stated regarding that "soul" connection at death) to my Mom who passed away a few weeks ago? I even find wearing her engagement ring uplifts/connects me. It's as if her love continues....
Blobee CG1066 • 11 hours ago Oh no. That is so, so common. It takes a while (there's a lot to be said for the "year of mourning" period they used to just assume) to adjust to such a significant person to not be there anymore. It's also very common to want something personal of theirs to hold on to, to carry, to wear, and it seems comforting.
The best thing you can do is pray for her every day, that she enter into God's glory, and find the eternal peace.
My mom's been gone seven years now, and I still miss her every day.Robbi CG1066 • 3 days ago • edited You're supposed to feel 'soul connected' to your Mom through her ring...There's no doubt she's still alive in the next dimension and is with you in spirit for your benefit.
A Priest once shared with me about those dying having the benefit of choice to remain as a spirit in the world for a time following death to comfort loved ones. There's no doubt events will happen and random words and phrases are going to be used to bring your Mom to mind by people not even knowing her...
My Grandfather used to give dimes to me since he knew I liked them as a little girl and after 30 years I find them lying around everywhere all the time...I have jars of dimes. Lots of related objects and events related to loved ones who are dead pop-up for many people and it really is as though it's a way to remind us of God's blessings of love he gave us as gifts in our lives.Robbi CG1066 • 2 days ago Your loss is a loss for everyone...Those of us losing our Mothers know exactly what an irreplaceable one it is. The bond is so extreme from actually sharing a body; it's never fully gone.
Michelle Campbell CG1066 • 4 days ago It does, absolutely.
At times l wear my Grandmother's wedding ring, a 'princess cut' or something like that, the name escapes me. Was at lunch years ago at the Harris Ranch
near Coalinga here in California, beautiful place with a hotel, very busy and the waitress was wearing a near copy of my Grandmother's ring with its cluster of diamonds. I was delighted to see another one! 💍💍JohnJoseph CG1066 • 4 days ago • edited She passed a few weeks ago! Good heavens! I'm so sorry to hear that! My mom passed 11 years ago and I feel like it was yesterday! Still feeling sad!
Michelle Campbell • 4 days ago see more'God love you all. Happy Easter'. 💐💒💐✝️💐
Indeed. Such substance concerning the events after the Resurrection of Our Lord!
Jesus had much to do: Rising from the dead, appearing to His Beloved Mother,
appearing to St Mary Magdelene, His Father in heaven, the disciples at Emmaus,
His Apostles and the task of convincing them they weren't seeing a ghost.
Let's suppose Our Lord relished eating that piece of broiled fish and honeycomb.
Did the Apostles enjoy dinner with Him?
And then He did so many unrecorded miracles that St John said all the books of the world could not contain them....
Is Our Lord working still? After all He had been through on earth as the God-Man,
yes, oh yes, He is still at it.
He left His saving authority with His chosen men to go and preach the 'Good News' to the ends of the earth, baptizing, forgiving sins and much more.
Faith. Now that was in short supply yet He shored it up on earth telling His Apostles, His Catholic Bishops that He would send them the Comforter after His Ascension.
Pentecost is beautiful. Those red vestments that represent 'fire' as well as martyrdom.
The paintings of Mary and the Apostles receiving the 'tongues of fire' is inspirational giving them strength to preach and comfort.
Yes, Jesus works and He works still, finding the lost sheep.
We only have to say the words for example, 'Jesus, what would you have me do in this life' not once, but twice on a tear stained pillow in the night.
That happened.
Praise God for His Mercy, for His Mercy endures forever.
Will Faith, the Deposit of Faith return to the hundreds of USCCB members?
Pray for their Purification...or...Eradication.April 22 Easter Friday Feastday: Sts Epipodius & Alexander (326) Ms., Epipodius,
Pt. of victims of betrayal & torture (Hist.) 💐✝️✝️💐CG1066 Michelle Campbell • 4 days ago • edited He's such a humble man, as an example, I said those exact words but I stated, "love you all, Happy Easter" ...He puts "God" in front of same statement. Learning more than you know from MV and CM. May God bless him and CM abundantly.
Michelle Campbell CG1066 • 4 days ago Yes, dear Michael echoes the words of Ven Archbishop Sheen which l loved watching with Sheen's videos from the 1950's on.
"God love you". Simple, humble and to the point.
Michael is St John the Baptist, St Gabriel, St Michael and Jeremiah, Isaiah
all wrapped up in these last days...oh, the Holy Ghost speaks through him as can tell when he pauses....
The fact that he has traveled soooo...extensively all over the world when invited is if Our Lord sends him to shore up and reel in the Faithful to assist in purifying His Suffering Church.
These satanic sodomites can't hide anymore and we can't be blinded about this. These EVIL MEN...McCarrick, Dearden, Whurl and the rest.
Sodomic acts call up devils. ENOUGH!!!
Oh my, I'm typing this while listening to Handel's "Messiah" where the choir is singing..."And He shall purify the Sons of Levi that they may all come unto the Lord an offering in righteousness"!
WOW! How we love Emmanuel, "God with us".
Makes me miss singing in choirs...loved it. I could hit the 'high C' and beyond occasionally. Handel's "Messiah"...such perfection along with
Beethoven's "Hallelujah, from the Mount of Olives". The UCLA symphony
and choir do that beautifully! I'm singing! 💐💒💐🐑💐CG1066 Michelle Campbell • 4 days ago Not coincidence but prophetic regarding what that choir was singing at the exact moment....