Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Media Attacks Christian School For Teaching Biblical Sexual Ethics Given the culture's hostility, Christian pastors, teachers, and school administrators must "double down" on teaching what God's word says. "We can no longer take for granted," he said, "that even people in our churches... understand what we would call a biblical sexual ethic."



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Breaking News Updates - May 24, 2022
Will The Russian Threat Push Europe Into Becoming The Revived Roman Empire?
For decades, Christians have speculated on whether or not the European Union is the final world empire outlined in the Bible. The Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation point to a revived Roman Empire that will appear in the end times (Daniel 7:23; Revelation 17:10).
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Transhumanism: Marching Towards The Mark Of The Beast
Before the dawn of this century, it would have taken an army of several hundred thousand to control the buying the selling across the planet and even then, it would not have been foolproof. Now with artificial intelligence and all the many advances related to transhumanism, the technology exists for one person to do this.
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Media Attacks Christian School For Teaching Biblical Sexual Ethics
Given the culture's hostility, Christian pastors, teachers, and school administrators must "double down" on teaching what God's word says. "We can no longer take for granted," he said, "that even people in our churches... understand what we would call a biblical sexual ethic."
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All Options Are Now On The Table In The Campaign Against Iran
The targeted killing of senior Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei is another chapter in the shadow war between Israel and Iran, and Tehran has already pointed the finger at Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency and threatened revenge.
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While scholars debate the timing of the Rapture, the world has lost why this event is prophesied to occur in the first place; knowledge that was once understood by those in the first century.

Today, researchers in the Middle-East have rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of Christ that reveals exactly how and why the Rapture must occur; unveiling new biblical insight that will reignite hope for believers in these trying times and prepare the world for what's coming.

This docu-drama includes Bible Prophecy experts: Amir Tsarfati, Jack Hibbs, JD Farag, Jan Markell & narration by Kevin Sorbo.  From the producers of The Coming Convergence.


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