Monday, September 25, 2023

Joe Biden hid this bombshell photo of Hunter Biden September 22, 2023...The latest twist in the Hunter Biden scandal involves a secret photograph.


Joe Biden hid this bombshell photo of Hunter Biden

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

The latest twist in the Hunter Biden scandal involves a secret photograph.

Joe Biden does not want this one getting out.

And Joe Biden hid this bombshell photo of Hunter Biden.The Fulton County Sheriff releasing Donald Trump’s mugshot featuring Trump’s scowling visage created one of the most iconic photographs in American history.

Trump raised millions off its release and Trump saw a jump in both his Primary and General Election poll numbers.

Now Americans are wondering if they will see Hunter Biden’s mugshot, after special counsel David Weiss indicted Biden on three felony counts relating to Hunter Biden allegedly lying on a federal background check form back in 2018 when purchasing a firearm.

Spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware Kim Reeves said Hunter Biden’s mugshot will not see the light of day as federal policy “prohibits my office from providing photographs of defendants prosecuted in federal court.” Fox News host Jesse Watters told his audience that he filed a Freedom of Information Act request to force the Biden administration to release the Hunter Biden mugshot.

“It turns out Hunter Biden has a mugshot,” Watters declared. “So what is so special about a mugshot that they don’t want us to see? Did he smile? Did he look defiant? In light of transparency, this mugshot must be released.”

“Sources tell us that federal inmates rarely have their mugshots released to the public — only in cases where the federal inmate escapes, and a leak would be very unlikely,” Watters added.

After George Floyd died, media organizations began renouncing their previous policy of broadcasting or publishing a suspect’s mugshot as the mugshot conveys the impression the suspect is already guilty since they are in police custody. Of course, Donald Trump got none of that consideration as, beginning with his first indictment in New York City, journalists lusted after Trump’s mugshot believing it would prove to be politically embarrassing and tank Trump’s poll numbers.

That proved not to be the case.

But journalists showed no such appetite to see the Hunter Biden mugshot – Jesse Watters at Fox News was the only one to bring it up – because that picture could be legitimately embarrassing to Joe Biden.

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